COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fall 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide


Cvs didn’t give a sticker. Just hand wrote in bottom space. So suss.

Don’t trust anyone w two first names.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Fall 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I’ve been staying out of these but c’mon man. Do you really believe what you write or are you trolling?

There are immunity factors besides antibodies. Any edge the body has is a big force multiplier to avoid severe disease. Lots of factors at play. We can cite all the reasons why it’s not as bad or worse or that the product of cases x morbidity is better or worse. Making any conclusions with high confidence is foolish.

The level of certainty itt seems to inversely proportional to the level of relevant expertise.


I’m not trolling at all. Of course I believe that no one yet knows whether omicron deaths are going to rise horribly or not. I’ve posted to that effect several times (I’ve also posted links that support it being possibly less deadly than delta, in theory). I’ve constantly been saying we should wait until the end of the month. Go back and look at the posts.

Half of adults in the UK have now had a Covid-19 booster dose after the programme was accelerated this week amid the Omicron variant.

A total of 26.3 million people aged 18 and over have received a vaccine top-up.

The government said the milestone makes the UK’s booster rollout one of the fastest in the whole wide world.

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This is factually incorrect. R0 values are rates of people who get infected, not a total of the number that get infected. You can greatly increase R0 without greatly increasing total infected.

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I already knew she was married to him, but this gives me some hope that she’s not as big a shithead as him.

Obviously. Point addressed above wrt plenty of vulnerable people (age and other factors) left in the UK who delta was already killing, and 50% of population isn’t boosted.

This does not make sense in the context of your previous posts, but if you want to withdraw your previous point that’s cool.

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Wat, no “walk it back”? I admire the restraint. The metamorphosis is a sight to behold.


Please don’t post things like this without a source.


Covid live: half of UK adults receive booster vaccine; Ireland sets 8pm curfew for hospitality venues Covid live: half of UK adults receive booster vaccine; Ireland sets 8pm curfew for hospitality venues — as it happened | Coronavirus | The Guardian


Thank you


The US administered 491,892,649 doses of Covid-19 vaccines in the country as of Friday morning and distributed 606,975,165 doses, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said.
Those figures are up from the 490,030,849 vaccine doses the CDC said had gone into arms by Thursday out of 602,523,315 doses delivered. The agency said 240,775,382 people had received at least one dose while 203,479,206 people were fully vaccinated as of 6am ET on Friday, Reuters reports.

Knock this stupidity off.

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I had J&J and put up a poll ITT a couple of months ago, asking what booster I should get. The results were Moderna > Pfizer >>> J&J, so I got Moderna.