Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Is Eyes Wide Shut a Die Hard movie?

Lol, that’s an A+ response.

If Robert Cray says Clapton’s an asshole, that’s good enough for me.


Teenagers vandalizing school property iirc. As if that’s anything new.

i wonder how any people just realized today that cheryl hines is married to robert f kennedy. i know i did.



Still don’t know who she is.

A genuinely horrific actress.

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you’ve never watched curb your enthusiasm or is this some running gag?

I don’t know who she is, idk how I can be more clear about this.

i wonder if you’ve never watched curb your enthusiasm i don’t know how much more clear i can be about that

at least in your case you can google and get the answer, i tried googling did trolly really never watched a single episode of curb and got some porn sites


Seems like you could have just said “She’s from Curb Your Enthusiasm.”

lol i literally pasted an article explaining who she is and proceeded by saying where she’s from and instead of saying ty for the info and/or google it yourself and/or stop posting about it you were snarky and then complained.

god i hate this thread


I feel like we got off on the wrong foot here.

It’s more important to know why one has never seen Curb Your Enthusiasm.

I don’t have HBO.

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Just pony up for one month and knock it all out. Absolutely worth it.

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My local police department is driving Santa and his elves around on one of those militarized SWAT vehicles, accompanied by a full escort of about a dozen motorcycle cops. Lights and sirens blaring, the whole bit. They drove by me the other night and it was so disturbing. Merry Christmas everybody, this year you get fascism.

Little video here, but it doesn’t begin to do the scene justice.

found a better video

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Defund the GPD.