COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron


UK has 3m 12-15yrs olds so that must be six 12-15yrs olds that ended up in intensive care. So, it would be rare for a body considering only 12-15yr olds (in the UK) to recommend mass vaccination when maybe >6 might have issues (not anti-vaxx here FFS)

JCVI believes, from weekly school testing inc. PCR for many asymptomatic and symptomatics, that ‘up to 50%’ of the age group already had it.

I hope they get vaxxed but won’t be surprised if we abstain a little longer, based on the above.

Maybe this has more to do with herd immunity being less of a thing than it used to

“I took precautions” my aching, juicy asshole

Whats the rate of myocarditis in unvaccinated children that get Covid?


wait wat

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I can’t even, I mean JFC WTF

If your child literally dying of Covid can’t break the spell then nothing can.

The paramedic and mother of two said she chose not to vaccinate her son because she felt there was not enough research on the vaccine, and she feels the success rate of the vaccine preventing COVID-19 is low.

Even after losing her son, she said she is still not sure if she will now get vaccinated because she believes there is not enough research done on the vaccines. However, she does support a mask mandate, especially in schools.

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Antivaxx moms are more set in their beliefs than the nuttiest evangelicals.

I’m convinced the wives are the reason behind 95%+ of the unvaxxed football. They have time to go down youtube rabbit holes all day.

Might be interesting to see how many unvaxxed bachelors there are.

How about that?

I mean going pro vaxx would be admitting her ignorance killed her child. At that point it’s an understandable coping mechanism. Just hope she doesn’t have more kids


Yeah, I was thinking this as well.

But if she has more kids, she really needs to wake the fuck up.

If she dies of COVID, she won’t.



She has another kid. She was in the hospital herself with Covid when her son died.

Poker pro I know is reluctantly getting his vaccine because of the WSOP policy. He would rather not, citing his previous infection, but he feels he has no choice, economically.

A guy I used to play poker with is reportedly in dire straits because of COVID. His Facebook profile pic says “I have an immune system”. Before that, it said “I don’t care if you have had your vaccine”. He’s an ultra-scummy fat piece of shit. How scummy? He spent some time in the used car business and the used car dealers I play with make fun of how much of a scammer he is. How fat? I joke that he’s a human chode who is wider than he is tall. I’ve seen him have to take a break crossing the poker room because he was out of breath.

He’s a shitty poker player who thinks he’s good, but he moved away so I only see him a couple of times a year when he comes to visit and I’m not missing much in EV if he dies. I glad I can finally root for the death of someone I know personally.


That’s a good point and I hadn’t really thought of it from that angle.

I just can’t even imagine losing a child like that. I don’t even want to think about it.

It’s because you couldn’t. It would be impossible. There would have to be a readily available, effective vaccine pretty much available on every street corner that you would have prevented them from receiving.

you missed one important bit, “people in rich countries tell each other that the boosters would have just expired before they could get to the poor countries because of ‘supply chain issues’ so it’s ok”

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You make it sound like that is not actually true in a lot of cases.

If there is a path for a dose of vaccine at my local CVS (and they’re routinely discarding expired product) to make its way to Africa, I’m all ears.

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once it’s AT your CVS, no, but these things don’t just spring into existence at the CVS. the manufacturing has been underway for months and supply chain planning started months before that. there’s nothing wrong with the supply chain at this point that is prevent doses from getting to the 3rd world, it’s 100% a function of the choices rich countries have made.

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Well, if they’re routinely discarding doses, then that would be sufficient evidence of some sort of supply chain problem (clearly they’re receiving too many doses).

Does anyone have a good handle on how high our vaccination rate might be for the 12+ people if literally everyone wanted the vaccine badly (i.e., so the only impediment would be creating infrastructure to get the shots in arms).

I’m just guessing but I’d put it at 90%. But maybe I’m overestimating how accessible it is for everyone. Anyone have a wildly different guess?