COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

What county?

NYE Hat Sponsors :laughing:

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Is your Dad always this much of a thoughtless p.o.s? Or was it a case of I have the vax and I guess I’ll placate junior?

We’ll never know the answer but I wonder if we would have had more deaths this winter if Omicron never appeared and we just had the normal holiday waves of delta.

I can’t get Honest Kids Juice boxes, which is juice diluted with water. Now I have to mix store brand juice with water myself like a fucking barbarian.


32 posts were split to a new topic: Tofu Sucks - Or Does It?


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I mean, my parents are middle class boomers who never took the pandemic that seriously. While my partner and I were staying home (when she wasn’t shoveling bodies into the crematory) my parents were eating at Outback in winter 2021 because reasons. They’ve never listened to anything I had to say on the pandemic and my dad dismisses anything I bring up on politics / healthcare / inequality / etc.

My mom is a retired teacher, lifelong Democrat, labor union member, empathetic and compassionate person. She just can’t stay isolated for months because she’s so extroverted… or whatever.

My dad is in the skilled trades and was a lifelong dem and labor union member. Then he voted for Trump in 2016 and it’s been downhill since. I didn’t speak to him for about 6 months after he made some snide comment about the NBA players refusing to play after another police incident while we were out golfing. His mother was incredibly racist and he’s not quite as overt, but definitely a typical white boomer, laborer, racist.

So yea. He’s a self centered asshole. When I brought up the booster at Christmas he told me he didn’t need it because this wave was mild. Lol.

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i’ve been writing work notes for 12 days i don’t give a fuck.

@Melkerson add me to the list, my test from Thursday came back positive.



Unstuck Pozzed list (post 12/21)

  1. Lawnmower Man
  2. d10
  3. Tilted
  4. Champ
  5. Surf
  6. boredsocial
  7. Rugby
  8. Jake7777
  9. DUCY

Unstuck Pozzed List 12/1 to 12/21

  1. Watevs

Sorry he is like that Jwax, that sucks. I was a bit too blunt, but damn thinking of the servers and all it’s just awful. Given your partner’s experience (I remember your post, have actually repeated it in conversation, didn’t associate it with a screen name until now) it is a shame he hasn’t smartened up. Hopefully he hasn’t spread it, take care.

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2 more days. Could be close, but I think the under still has the better of it at this point.

i did a rapid yesterday hoping to get out of work, negative.


There are other cases of groups that weren’t conquered. Humans passed down their culture for a hundred thousand years or whatever before the invention of writing.

The Maya lost their writing and didn’t even realize their ancestors had built all the pyramids around them.

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You should read 1491. There’s a group in South America that built a bunch of causeways and stuff, but 200 years later lost all knowledge their ancestors built it. They were never conquered. Smallpox went ahead of the Spanish.

A similar thing probably happened with the Cochimi in Baja. Their ancestors (probably) made amazing cave paintings - some that required building 30’ of scaffolding to reach the ceiling. Baja is one of the 5 most prolific cave painting sites in the world. But some 80-90% of them were wiped out by new world diseases. By the time the Spanish arrived the Cochimi that were left had no idea who made the cave paintings and assumed it was a race of giants.



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Major +1. Then read 1493.