COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

unless people or corps realize they don’t actually need them

Doesnt that just speed up the ramp to inevitable poat-scarcity labor?

It’s the little things that seem ominous, like the rats disappearing at the start of The Plague. My parents didn’t get the newspaper delivered for four days. Haven’t been able to buy tofu for a month. Nothing that’s particularly unbearable, but it feels like lots of little things are quietly breaking.

lol. this entire post is awful


Holy shit, Miami!

Surely that’s the graph of people who are queuing to give DeSantis his apology? … if they can find him.



I’m told you can’t get cream cheese anywhere around here.

I went food shopping this morning, and I didn’t notice any shortages or price spikes on my usual grocery items.


lol refusing the vaccine then dying is “in the line of duty” jlaw ok

You’ve got a way to go to reach the pinnacle, imo. That’s reserved for stuff like truffles or foie gras.

it’s twisted logic all the way through. a surge in crossings overcrowded detention centers (under dumb no release policy), then seeded covid into it, which then exposed the trumpy border agents “in the line of duty”

Not going to lie, you and trolly are the first I heard of the Great Tofu Shortage of the ‘20s, as history is certain to record it.

plus COVID is just the flu

First they killed Jesus Christ. Now this.


It’s impossible to find tofu every time I walk into my kitchen.


Dad (65. Healthy. 2x Moderna no booster) has Covid. Of course he had a cough on Christmas that I told him to get checked out. Guess I need to schedule a test.


“A reasonable proportion of cases being classified as Covid hospitalisations are actually people with other reasons for admission,” NSW health minister Brad Hazzard said.

“Heart attacks, births, falls, none of that stops just because there is Covid. They come into hospital, they have a swab taken and it confirms Covid.

“This shows us its out in the community, but we aren’t necessarily seeing that as the primary reason for all of the admissions.”

These numbers are getting to be useless, it would be more useful to look at overall hospitalization numbers for any reason and see how much those are increasing.

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That’s an overstatement, a really big one.

Talking to my aunt in PA and basically it’s bizarro world there. Nobody’s wearing a mask, practicing social distancing and it’s antivax heaven where she is (mid/upper class gated communtiy in a rural area). The county as a whole is below-average in vax rate and people have been losing their shit about the school district mandating masks in school.

Her household is also a pile of comorbidities. My aunt overcame cancer. My grandmother is 88 and has congestive heart failure. Her son is diabetic and her daughter is a hypochondriac. My conversation with her was more me politely listening to how fucked up the people and things in general are there than any real back and forth.

What’s weird is that she used to be Republican. She voted Dubya and regrettably voted Trump in 2016. Covid made her do a total 180 politically. It has isolated her from the people she knows because they’re all antivax deplorables and has made any kind of socialization very difficult even if covid was done for good now