COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

From the article posted:

“We know levels of antibodies start high and drop substantially,” said Prof Rob Aldridge, an infectious disease epidemiologist at University College London. “We’re concerned that if they carry on dropping at the rate we’ve seen, the protective effects of the vaccines will start to drop too, and the big question is, when is that going to happen?”

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I haven’t had a cold, but the back of my throat has felt kind of dry recently. Could be related to the horrible air quality we have had recently because of the fires in Pacific Northwest, but I think it predates that.

That doesn’t conflict with what wookie said at all.

Again jal, if you state exactly what you’re concerned about, people will be able to address it.

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NFL turning the screws a bit to get players vaccinated:


Cited earlier. It’s been demonstrated that antibody levels are not good predictors of health outcomes, because there’s more to immunity than that. This guy’s ignorance is not especially persuasive.

I wonder how much it’ll change players’ positions. While obviously a player is personally affected by a loss in the standings and missing the playoffs, it seems like the penalties, especially financial, fall on the team. (Which would make sense because any impact to players would probably have to be collectively bargained).


I don’t think it’s ignorance of this guy either. This is a partial quote that is being used to sell a story, not a complete description of his understanding of immunity.

This is called a “screaming eagle” BTW
Because you end up looking like, well…




also this. Peer pressure is going to play into this more now, too:

Thanks. Had not seen that. That’s huge.

Happy to report that I have joined the ranks of the fully vaxed. Had to delay my second shot for a week due to a sinus infection.


Business partner’s daughter, who got her second Moderna on 4/20, just tested positive. Asymptomatic, got tested because her friend has it. Business partner is 65, slightly overweight, and generally not in great shape, so hoping his vaccination holds up.


Florida 12.6k cases today. DONT FAUCI MY FLORIDA!



What? I had my first colonoscopy when I was 12. I’m 31 now and stopped counting after number 22 several years ago. Totally appropriate course of action if they suspect Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis, or any other internal digestive tract issue.

Micro, hope she feels better soon. If it does end up being IBD (Crohns or Ulcerative Colitis) please feel free to reach out to me via PM if you want to talk about any of it, or if she has any questions/concerns.


No reason why victor is wrong about that.

The 31-year-old Chinese chess grandmaster Wang Hao recently retired from competitive play due to what sounds like IBD.

“…digestive problems for many years…worsened in past few years…didn’t think I’d be able to finish my game with Grishuck…I need to avoid overly stressful situations…”