COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Sounds like food poisoning.

Have they checked to see if your daughter has Crohn’s?

The thing that kind of supercedes all the slight critiques of the pro-vax side and their possible tone is that this is a literal life and death situation where on one side you have a vaccine with almost zero downside to taking it besides some minor discomfort for a day or two vs. tortuous death and lots of other horrible outcomes.

Erring on the side of telling everyone to get vaccinated is a no-brainer here even if we don’t know for sure non-vaxed people who had Covid “need” it or not. The -EV of getting it when you don’t need it is minute and the -EV of not getting it is potentially monster on both an individual level and a societal level if these people do in fact need it. Not to mention is muddies the waters for people who don’t pay attention and gives people an excuse not to get it.

In short that is one conversation we are better off not having imo.


Unlike the preprint from June, this study from July has actually been published.


Food poisoning is what we thought at first, but the diarrhea came back after going away. They started keeping track of food after that. Hoping it’s not Crohn’s. I have a friend how has that and it sucks for him.

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I had a roommate with Crohn’s, it sucks but it’s manageable. It could also be a million other things.

Once this thing gets FDA approved - can insurance cos start treating the unvaxxed like smokers and raise their rates?

It really varies in severity. I have a friend who needed to have surgery and had a colostomy bag for a while, which was pretty awful. He’s been super-sick with it for a while, and now it’s attacking his joints. My Mom also had it and it was pretty bad, she was on prednisone for years which did all kinds of stuff to her.

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This guy really does communicate the anti-vaxx stance very well, I’m against it because you can’t make me.

“Their agenda is to get you vaccinated”



This is where we came down regarding my daughter. She had covid ~ February, but ultimately we decided to vax her immediately when it became available for her age group. I think it was the right thing to do, but it’s hard to really know for sure.


The purpose of a booster would not be to spur the production of more antibodies. Not having antibodies currently swimming around in your blood does not mean you’re not protected. There’s more to your immune system than that, and antibodies can be generated in response to an infection trying to get a foothold that beat it back.

The main purpose of a booster would be to combat novel variants that escape the immune response mostly or entirely. It’s not like the flu shots we get every year are the same shot, given just to re-up our antibodies. It’s a new shot with new components to combat the new flu variants.


My 2 year old and 5 year old both just tested positive for RSV yesterday. We had quite the covid scare.


Have the vaccine reactions been lesser for kids as well? No one in my family had that bad of a reaction the vaccine. I think the kids/young adults had more mild reactions, but not a huge contrast because none of us were more than a little sick for a day.

My wife just had her second shingles shot and had very bad vomiting for most of a day, but recovered quickly. I had a fever from the second shingles shot. Both substantially worse than our reactions to the moderna/phizer (we had different vaccines), but I’d still recommend getting the shingles shot based on what I’ve seen from people getting it and how likely it is to get.

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I was kind of knocked out (i.e., needed a multi-hour nap the day after) by my second shot. My wife had a milder reaction - just a little run down, if anything. Neither of my 2 kids had any noticeable reaction.

Not sure about kids in general, but we all got Pfizer as it turned out and none of us (me, wife, daughter) had much of a reaction at all. I never even got a sore arm.

I got a pretty sore arm. Moderna. Pfuck the way they spell Pfizer. I will never get that right.


I had that on my honeymoon, skiing in Austria.

My wife’s favourite memory of the honeymoon is me in the bathroom in my thermals, sitting on the loo with the bomb hatch open evacuating while throwing up in the sink at the same time.



Not a bad ad campaign for Moderna: “Moderna, because Pfuck Pfizer.”

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My EM Facebook groups are talking about peak covid again in Arkansas/Nebraska area. ICU beds gone and transferring over state lines. Notgoodbob

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