COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

These people are completely batshit crazy.


This guy is one of the biggest alt-right trolls on chiefsplanet. Pro-vaxx definitely seems to have won the day over there.

I think there are still a few qanon anti-vaxxers in the DC covid thread. But Iā€™ve been clean of even peeking into the DC subforum for close to a year now, and I never plan to go back. Same with P&S on 22. Feels good.

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I have heard from a buttload of people in LA that have a nasty cold. Saw somebody post on TikTok about a cold going around in NY. Anybody else hear anything like this?

Also, re: Tucker Carlson, Iā€™ve decided that if Iā€™m ever in a room with him Iā€™m going to punch him in the face. Iā€™ve made peace with that.


I heard you can get a b r a y n toomer from going dancing. Be safe out there.


Sure itā€™s a fair question. Iā€™m sure itā€™s been talked about here before but the vaccine is designed to maximize your immune response so you get more benefit that you would from getting the virus. Which is why health experts are saying get it anyway.

Obviously thereā€™s room for debate but thereā€™s very little downside to telling people to get vaxxed and the science saying you shouldnā€™t bother isnā€™t very strong yet.

The whole point is how that question is being used. There seems to be essentially no downside to getting the shot based on prior infection.

I made it clear under different circumstances it could be a legit question, but anyone out in the media (regular or social) bringing it up most likely has an agenda that amounts to anti-vax. (And I am NOT claiming anyone itt is doing it that way).

I do not have data either way. Trolly is correct in his point about consistent message across National health organizations.

So I will concede within a technical discussion itt thread itā€™s a legit question. But as soon as it comes out of the mouth of Cucker Tarlson et al it is unadulterated anti-vax bullshit. As a matter of policy with adequate vaccine supply, just get the jab and that should be the consistent public message.


My daughter near Santa Cruz just had a cold*. I donā€™t think it was particularly nasty for her though.

  • or w/e, those typical symtoms

I posted about this last week, but RSV is huge right now. PICUs are having a tough time. Thereā€™s also a vomiting and diarrhea virus going through my area right now.


The ā€œifā€ is doing important work in that first sentence.

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I agree with that - but someone whoā€™s gotten sick has a very very different risk profile from getting vaxxed. We have to admit there are some unknowns to getting vaxxed. Itā€™s just that the risks of acute or long covid are so much greater. Maybe not so much if you got sick.

A buddy of mine at a party the other night was getting harangued for not getting vaxxed, even though he got sick 6 months ago or so. I told him he should, but itā€™s probably not a huge deal either way. The general public (our other friends at the party in this case) who donā€™t follow covid like we do in this thread, were all over him for not getting vaxxed.

Whereas I harassed my other buddy who never got sick multiple times and was glad to see he finally got J&J

We she around other da nser s?

Oh, someone I know has been having diarrhea, like on an off for a couple weeks. Thatā€™s the only symptom of note. Itā€™s possible there have been some other very very mild symptoms that are barely noticeable. They finally got a call into the doctor the other day, they took blood to test for dairy, gluten allergies I think, but this is a new thing, this person hasnā€™t had food allergy type issues.

Can you be specific and actually say what point youā€™re trying to make?

The point should be the othering of antiva.

And just as important, they have different benefits. The risks could be just the same, but if the benefits to the already infected and recovered shrink enough then vaccination might not make sense anymore.

I think in Plague Inc you get a special trophy if your virus produces vomiting and diarrhea.


Bottom line: knowing everything I know, and I guarantee my friend from the party knows a shit-ton less, Iā€™d still get the vaxx even if I already had covid.

Itā€™s just a much smaller mistake imo - like going broke on QQ preflop vs. an unknown - compared to calling down with TPTK on 3 streets vs. a known nit.

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One of the last times I was really sick, in like 2000, I had to do both at the same time and had to just sit on the toilet and vomit on the floor.


I had that on an 8-hour bus ride in Peru. Good times. Luckily it was a fancy bus with a bathroom. But by the time I was done with it the bathroom was out of water.

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