COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I wonder how many vaxxed people are getting asymptomatic delta or maybe minor systems they read as their first cold?

I know I’d have to have fairly strong symptoms to go get a test at this point (or maybe a known close contact).

No, I want the government to do a vaccine mandate and for Trumpers to overreact in a way that justifies bringing the military, but I will accept them doing nothing more than petulantly whining.

Folks, we are going to reach a flashpoint eventually. If it’s not going to be this, it’s going a mandate on climate change mitigation or something else. Don’t wait until it’s a successfully stolen election where the enemy completely controls the courts and the military and the majority of state governments.

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In my province you need either your app with a QR code or a physical card saying you’re vaxxed to dine indoors, go to sporting events, movies etc.

Think Alberta is about the only province not mandating that stuff, but Clovis would know.

Yeah big talk, my man. You wouldn’t last a week getting the kind of heat Dr. Acton or Gretchen Whitmer got.

Police Unions do spit take due to excessive laughter.

I almost got to the point of going maskless but back on the mask train.

Alberta is a free for all. Wide open, no limits.

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Avoid it like the plague seemed to be a good way to say to someone that that’s very bad, nowadays it’s a defunct statement.


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Ontario isn’t doing anything on that front either. No proof of vax needed to go to the gym, for example.

There’s also a certain element of the victimhood complex of conservatives where many of them will comply with mandatory vaccination just so they can feel oppressed and tell everyone about how oppressed they are.


Yup. Had one vaccinated positive yesterday, 78F, got it from her sons who refused to be vaccinated. Discharged home.

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I’m kind of surprised the unvaxxed showing up to the hospital aren’t just claiming to be vaxxed.

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I’ve gone without since 2 weeks past 2nd vax but I’m watching the data in my state and also watching for any trends in bad results for vaccinated people. Still seems safe enough here, but I noticed the daily numbers in MA (closest population centers to my state) have gone from well under 100 for a week or two, to over 300 again, so I expect things are going to ramp up here in NH soon.

The real problem is that Trump couldn’t get anything done in Congress that establishment Republicans wouldn’t go for.


The idea that republicans would just pass a significant health care reform for good to spite the democrats is one of the sillier takes I’ve seen

Trump was never going to go for TrumpCare or whatever nonsense over the senate Republicans to get dem haters mad. Just foolishness, and not on topic


The heavy dose from pozzed family prolly doesn’t help.

Tired only really. I would have sent her home with no testing but her pcp boxed me into an ecg and labs, all normal.

at some point gop are going to hijack both universal healthcare and climate change message because it will be necessary, and the racists will again have an excuse to vote for conservative bigots again. it’s really sort of amazing they haven’t done it yet. they have the judiciary locked up, they could corrupt the shit out of that much money AND look like populists.

like there was a path for republicans to bite the bullet and open up social safety during COVID and keep power, but they stopped at not even enforcing masks, and decided to war over critical race theory instead.