About Moderation (old original thread)

The first I found

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Also I’ve been here defending churchill from being banned and saying CN needs to tone down the condescension and toxicity in the Covid thread long before this. I took a lot of shit for it. So of course I’m partially angry because that goes overlooked for what exactly?

Ok fair enough. I meant as a mod I would have been frustrated to the point of lashing out and being somewhat hyperbolic but I see how somehow that means I am pro permabans. I’ve always preached self-moderation here and continue to.

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Honestly, I think that you’re not getting the posts you want to see because some posters are just bad writers with poor communication skills. Or maybe those are just poor written communication skills and they post the way they talk in conversation.

I also believe the Discourse software makes Tweet-like back-and-forths easier, unless the thread is put into slow mode.

Ok. I’m not going to apologize for what anyone else said to you and I don’t expect you to apologize for what someone else said to me. I accept your apology for your broad comments vaguely directed against everyone in that PM thread.

I don’t remember if I phrased anything in that thread or elsewhere about you in a way that I should apologize for. I think I was careful to put things like “I hate that sentiment” that I would stand behind and not “Witchita sucks” or anything like that. But it’s possible. I was mad too.

Presenting the whole victor exchange without comment:

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And I want people to keep in mind there’s a not-small group of people here who just avoid threads where anyone is being disrespected by anyone.

It’s possible CN can chat like that. I know Victor can chat like that, even when you disagree with him. I’ve been in multiple PM threads with him with thousands of posts. But maybe some combinations of people can’t do it together.


It’s all good man I’m over it at this point.


You’re just not good at passive-aggressive attacks. When you attack someone, you come out swinging. Direct attacks are always going to get temp-bans.

I think your take that Dems could have manipulated Trump by just taking the opposite position of what they want was reasonable but wrong. If you had a dumb take, it was saying that Republicans and Democrats have the same agenda. This is the wrong thread for me to explain why, but find the right one and we can have that discussion.

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You should read that. The “sillier takes” part was absolutely unnecessary.

If there were a formal proposal and more discussion, I think it would have gotten even more support. All past/present animosity aside, let’s say the proposal gets 2/3rds, that’s a pretty strong result, how can you realistically have expected better? Did you want people who disagreed with the idea, the motivations for it, and the process undertaken to get it to then suddenly respect it in some deeper way beyond agreeing that it was voted forward fairly, and that people who would then post in the sub should obviously respect its new moderation philosophy?

Not at all man. You engage in aggressive and insulting rhetoric all the time, with only a few temp-bans afaik. Your routinely call everyone in this forum right-wingers and authoritarians, consistently throw out the lib/shitlib label, and demean people as Dem apologists (personally calling out people like RM multiple times) even though this forum as a whole is generally highly critical of them. I honestly think you do it so often and so nonchalantly that you don’t even realize it’s happening.


RM despises Victor. It’s a lot to expect Victor to be respectful in return.

No I don’t want to relitigate this tbh. I don’t need apologies either. My point was that there was a lot of shit flung from all angles. None of it was good. I was guilty of it obviously.

What is today’s shit? Explain it to me please?

I mean I was misrepresented at the start and then was an asshole for the better part of a week over it. That’s what happened and I shouldn’t have handled it like that.

I wanted the sub to be like the podcast: “Hey cool, people want to create something to add onto this community. Go for it!” Mr. Oreo made a post with something like 30 likes at one point that in the early days he would have just made it happen if someone asked.

Maybe the point of disagreement here is that you think 2/3 in favor is great whereas I see it as a disaster. It should have been like 99:1. And even if it were 99:1 it only takes a handful of people determined to make it fail to make it fail.

Anyway, you asked why no one is pushing it anymore. That’s why. We can’t recreate the past. UP of 6 months ago isn’t coming back.


The point of my initial post was to repost my original take on the CoC stuff.

Feeling no responsibility to interject, but doing some community modding…

Marty…Witchita wants to apologize and feels bad about the conflict. Might not be perfect, but anyway, I accept it and think/hope if any differences I have with him come up again that I can discuss it thoughtfully, peacefully, in good faith, and perhaps even productively.


Alright, we don’t need to litigate this, I just don’t remember seeing anybody say we want a new sub but our condition is 99% community approval, or no approval at all it just happens, or it’s not happening.

I wouldn’t want it to be the case that the next time whatever this place is now is accused of being authoritarian that it is lost that an anti-authoritarian proposal was on the way to being passed by 2/3rds and not followed through with.

I think you are misunderstanding my purpose with these posts. I’m not trying to relitigste what each person did wrong. My point was I went from rational to foaming at the mouth angry within about 10 posts and it was interesting to see what happened in hindsight. It doesn’t excuse the way I acted but I myself was surprised when I went back and re-read it that I actually started out calm.

And no I’m not begging for apologies. I could care less if I ever get one. I’m saying we would all be better off with some introspection about our roles in this. That’s it.