About Moderation (old original thread)

And I think other people felt similarly, but “ok Johnny, Cassette, and Keeed, if you want to try this we’ll give it a shot” is how I felt.

JT was worn down, partly because he was received so badly, partly because of wanting to pay attention to his real life. Cassette went from an absolutely spotless reputation as far as I could tell to being a troublemaker and a malcontent. Only Keeed has the staying power to hold firm in the face of the onslaught.


Does “all that” include comparing Jewish posters (fellow Jewish posters right?) to Nazis?

Also, betraying secret communication, but cassette considered you a friend. Ok, you weren’t happy that he was so unhappy with the state of things that he wanted to chat in a subforum on this site, but that’s not treason. It’s not a terrible thing he did to you. If it breaks up a site that you love, that may be sad, but he doesn’t have to continue doing something he doesn’t like out of loyalty to the site. You could even have still been friends after disagreeing about this site.

Ok, that might be seen as “shit stirring” but it’s not in bad faith to make a point. It’s part of why the subforum idea went away


I don’t see what’s so toxic about that exchange. The worst thing he did is say you had a silly take.

If someone’s posting a dumb idea, I’m not going to try and disguise that I think it’s a dumb idea. I’d rather be bluntly honest than sugarcoat things to maintain some superficial sense of order.

But I still have dumb friends. I don’t think anyone should be banned for dumb posting. We should all be tolerant of dumb posts, which isn’t to say we should’ve be allowed to push back against dumbness.

I think if we get the mod rotation RFC approved, that will be step 1 towards a better community oriented approach to this site. Step 2 is following that up with a set of poster guidelines similar to the two ideas I posted in Bruce’s RFC thread about enumerated mod powers and using that as the basis of our approach to discussion here.


You could have saved a lot of typing and said “that’s nonsense” in response to Victor there, but you didn’t. You weren’t even unpleasant anywhere in that post and yet you managed to express that you didn’t agree with him.

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In general this take is incredibly stupid and the root of most of the problems here (irony intendent)

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I’m going to preface what I am about to say by saying that I regret going as hard as I did on this topic. To the point where I actually went back and read through the CoC discussion thread to try and figure out how I got so wound up. Contrary to the opinion of some I did not come in guns blazing. Here was my first post there:

“ I’m not really sure how to feel about any of this. There are several posters in this thread that I would miss and miss their posting if they left. That being said it is obvious that there is some serious hatred between some here at this point. It’s hard for me to see that being resolved.

I’ve said this several times but I’m quite certain that I could go and have a beer with anyone here and resolve any internet squabble we had. My feeling is that it’s easy to blast off steam or rip someone to shreds by typing a few lines into your phone. Hell I’ve done it plenty here unfortunately. I think we would be better trying to see each other as more than the avatar picture and sn (I mean I pretty much picture suzzer as Gritty crusing around Central America in his suv at this point).

That’s one of the reasons the best threads here are the more personal threads. The dog thread, the travel threads, the music threads, etc. That’s because sometimes I find out I have a lot in common on a personal level with someone where all of my previous interaction was combative in the politics threads.

I of course searched my name and it was posted I’m on team #justbanthem. That isn’t exactly true. Frankly I wish the people bickering would just drop it. Has anything productive come out of the thousands of back and forth posts? Or better yet talk it out via phone or text or something more personal. I don’t really want to lose 98% of people who post here. At this point though it feels like the cold war that has been brewing has gone full ww2 though. So the time for that may be over.”

My next 10 posts or so were pretty rational and not that confrontational but before long I was being called a liar and a no-content shit poster and other things across several threads and I was wound up to an insane level that didn’t diminish for days.

The idea there was some unfair onslaught doesn’t seem to be actually born out by the facts. Your side was dishing it out pretty heavy as well tbh. Like yes I was against the idea but I didn’t exactly go nuclear against it until I was good and pissed off.

And again I do regret how wound up I was and the extent of my commentary on the issue. So this isn’t really an attempt to re-litigate the issue. I just don’t think it’s accurate that the hate for KeedForums was unprovoked.

I’m not responsible for any side. I mentioned and referred to you a couple times and not all peace and love. I hate you using the word “malcontents”. But I don’t think I said anything about you that we couldn’t get past. And I try pretty hard not to cast aspersions at a “side” that would include lots of people.

Otoh, I have been mad at you for casting aspersions at me and Johnny and cassette and about 38 other people because someone called you a liar.


When you searched your name for mentions you’ll also have seen some very flattering things said about you despite the stance you’ve taken on permas.

Just setting the record straight for those who haven’t read it.


Yeah, lots of “I really like Witchita, but fucking calling us malcontents makes me never want to post on this forum again” kind of stuff.


What is my stance on permas? See here’s part of why I got so upset. Basically I was being painted to be something I’m not and at some point I snapped and just decided if I was going to be given shit then I was going to dish it right back out. I’ve been pretty much against bans with a few minor exceptions. I voted no on fidget for example.

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See here’s the thing. I didn’t and hopefully don’t have a problem with any of you all. Those comments came long after things had melted down.

I’ve actually apologized for it too and admitted I went overboard. I’m still waiting on apologies for the stuff said to me and about me. Like you really think I went from my first post which was far from bad to full nuclear without provocation? It doesn’t make it right but damn this idea that I, out of nowhere, went off is false. Several called me liars. Cassette specifically called me a no content shit poster.

And you know what I’m really fine with it now although I think people should own up to what they contributed to it. I have and have tried to make amends. Like I said I regret my role in it and should have been better.

The first I found

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Also I’ve been here defending churchill from being banned and saying CN needs to tone down the condescension and toxicity in the Covid thread long before this. I took a lot of shit for it. So of course I’m partially angry because that goes overlooked for what exactly?

Ok fair enough. I meant as a mod I would have been frustrated to the point of lashing out and being somewhat hyperbolic but I see how somehow that means I am pro permabans. I’ve always preached self-moderation here and continue to.

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Honestly, I think that you’re not getting the posts you want to see because some posters are just bad writers with poor communication skills. Or maybe those are just poor written communication skills and they post the way they talk in conversation.

I also believe the Discourse software makes Tweet-like back-and-forths easier, unless the thread is put into slow mode.

Ok. I’m not going to apologize for what anyone else said to you and I don’t expect you to apologize for what someone else said to me. I accept your apology for your broad comments vaguely directed against everyone in that PM thread.

I don’t remember if I phrased anything in that thread or elsewhere about you in a way that I should apologize for. I think I was careful to put things like “I hate that sentiment” that I would stand behind and not “Witchita sucks” or anything like that. But it’s possible. I was mad too.

Presenting the whole victor exchange without comment:

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And I want people to keep in mind there’s a not-small group of people here who just avoid threads where anyone is being disrespected by anyone.

It’s possible CN can chat like that. I know Victor can chat like that, even when you disagree with him. I’ve been in multiple PM threads with him with thousands of posts. But maybe some combinations of people can’t do it together.


It’s all good man I’m over it at this point.