About Moderation (old original thread)

Why? Half the people here or more still post over there and some still work for the guy for free. Ya we should definitely ban the monster. And let’s pre-ban Ikes too in case he comes over here.


The less we talk about 2+2. The more likely we are to create our own identity and grow the user base.




How do I ignore someone who has their public profile hidden? I can’t find the ignore button when they do this.

Dude you posted “Inshallah” when the topic came up, which is it?


:+1: Makes sense

Umm not only has Keed been embraced by the anti-mod faction, he’s become your de facto leader.

I like Keed and know you weren’t talking about him but you should be careful about your smarmy dumbfuck comments.


You like Keeed, but you’re suggesting he was deplorable.

I don’t think he is but a lot of people certainly did. I’ve argued against banning him in the past when close to a majority on UP/2p2 wanted him gone. My point is if someone is a positive contributor here, we probably don’t need to constantly bring up his past in an effort to deride him. Especially if we are in the process of trying to foster a Be Kind philosophy (which I admittedly didn’t practice in my post).


I don’t think many people thought Keeed was deplorable. Maybe not any.

I acknowledge the rest of your post, but I don’t agree that he’s a positive contributor. I think he’s the most disruptive poster here by far and if not a bigger problem for the site than moderation issues or anything else it was his increased posting and spreading out to other threads that was the straw that broke the camel’s back around here.


And essentially no one wanted Keeed banned. When we first started exiled there was a thread about who to ban on sight. No one said Keeed and Keeed was right in there posting with everyone else.

I don’t really agree with your version of either history or current events. “Keeeeeed” was a sitewide meme, and not because people thought his political stances were funny or cool. He was literally regarded as a disruptive troll for years. CN posts a ton of content across a variety of threads and generally takes more heat these days than he dishes out. It’s not fair to paint him as a scapegoat when the poster he has the most issues with is…the same poster that’s had issues with member after member since all of the drama began.

I addressed specifically “deplorable” in regards to Keeed and not “troll”. You suggested people thought he was deplorable. I don’t think many, perhaps any, people thought he was deplorable.

Ok, we disagree on the other stuff.

He used to be an ACist but you don’t think anyone thought he was deplorable?


And it’s clearly not the problem people generally had/have with Keeed. It’s significantly worse imo and I think it would be fair for you to back off “deplorable” and go with “troll” or something. Maybe this seems like semantics or something, but I like Keeed and I don’t want the insinuation that people thought he was deplorable or that many people wanted him banned just sitting out there.


I read this as about another infamous 2p2 poster and not Keed?

I don’t think anyone but Alex and I know where it’s keeed and where it’s CN, but I’m 99% sure both of us do.

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This. Changes the entire vibe from people chatting to an argument and people walking on eggshells. It’s exactly the culture from 2p2 and it sucks and it’s why actually nice people here who chat about movies or music or whatever are loathe to talk about politics. That’s not all on CN of course. Lots of people avoided threads before he got here, but it’s the constant harsh judgemental throwaway posts that have bumped things up a notch to flip this place from fun enough to participate in to thinking about other places to chat for enough people that it’s making a big difference.


You have it backwards. Your team won. 60/40 in favor isn’t good enough. Community moderation and a philosophy of Be Kind can only work under conditions of mutual respect. That ship seems to have sailed.

Obviously I don’t speak for everyone interested in the sub, but I don’t see the point of forcing this idea on people who don’t want it, even if that’s only 40% of people. Working on something else instead.

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