About Moderation (old original thread)

Yes. You could just fucking ban him.

For a day? Or do I need a referendum?



Itā€™s uncanny how accurate I was.

What do you mean? Are you talking about how Mat posted here once or twice and left? What ā€œdeplorable assclown(s)ā€ from 2p2 has had the run of this place?

eta: This was something that people fretted about 2 years ago. It was 2 years, right? I think the only active poster we have on this whole site who didnā€™t come from 2p2 is one of my kids.

eta: Iā€™m glad the throttle is lifted, but this is really off topic. There is no moderation issue related to banning a big influx of right-wing posters who are threatening to take over the site.


The new ownerā€™s picture is better than any of Matā€™s actually.

matconnectfour.gif heartily disagrees.

Iā€™m saying more professional than his. I think that is opposite yeah?

I think posting an ā€œintroductionā€ pic where you donā€™t bother to introduce half of the people in the photo is even less professional than a bit of game rage.

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OK. Not going to argue about that shit lol.

I mean, you cut out the step where either the mods ban the intruders, spark outrage for it, and get voted down, or ask for permission to ban them and get voted down. But youā€™re right that there is no robustness against a sizable invasion, and that any anti-moderation faction here is likely to side with it.

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The BruceZ invasion; I donā€™t think you were around for that bit of drama. Bunch of guys come in with the deliberate intention of shitting up the forum, mods insist thereā€™s no way to stop them, the forum turns into a dumpster fire. Good times.

Chezlawl is still there .Never posted once in politics until the circus music started.

Ducks for cover I really liked chez in SMP, he had an economical style but pretty on point and informed about various philosophical topics, usually very logical and challenging to debate against if I happened to be on the other side of a nuanced conceptual argument. Who else invaded pol during Brucez saga? I mainly remember foldndark doing that. Did Brian join the fun too? Brian is cool, he helped me out with some stuff once.

Vaguely familiar, but I meant this place. Unstuck. What right-wing ass-clown(s) from 2p2 have had the run of this place? Itā€™s been a couple years.


The trick is not caring. I couldnā€™t care less what some utter non-entity like Mat Sklansky thinks, says or does. You should be more like me.

Two actual cases occur to me. The first is anachronistic, who iirc was permaā€™d by general acclaim. The other is a notoriously repugnant individual, a widely-despised reg on 2p2 Politics of well-documented deplorableness. He has been embraced by one ā€˜factionā€™ here and it is not the ā€˜anti-moderationā€™ faction.

indeed indeed


I initially read your second point and thought ins0?! Lol me.

Fair point, thatā€™s another instance. Also permaā€™d, iirc. By God itā€™s anarchy!


I think too many people are hung up on 22. Who cares if someone from there reads some forum drama here? Itā€™s a public site, anyone can read this place.

I think we need to get over the idea that this place is about sticking it to 22 and make it about being the best community it can be. I also donā€™t think thereā€™s any point in banning Mat. Let him join here if he wants, heā€™s probably about to have even more free time than usual.

This isnā€™t targeted specifically at you, because many people here seem to be hung up on that idea.


I kind of viewed this place as a fresh start. Most people post the same, but itā€™s weird to still hold grudges about 2p2 stuff unless it is relevant imo.