COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

My personal theory is that the FDA is slow-walking the full approval to keep kids from getting the vaccination off-label before those trials are done. It’s not completely bonkers. COVID is so very much less dangerous for young kids that there are real cost-benefit questions if there’s some rare and dangerous side effect.

Of course, if that’s the game they should just say that. Withholding full approval for adults sort of implies that they haven’t seen enough evidence to be fully convinced that the vaccine is safe and effective, which is not really the message you want to send.

Do this?

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I think this is the only way we’re going to get anywhere close to herd immunity.

Just make it a real pain in the ass for unvaccinated people to do anything fun.

A large percentage of them would just give up and get the vaccine.


Like the only reason not to is lunatics complaining. Guess what, they already complain about absolutely everything. Also they’re fucking idiots.


Who’s going to enforce it?

While about 72% of adult Californians and 64% of Los Angeles residents 16 and older have received at least one vaccine dose, only about 51% of city firefighters and 52% of LAPD officers are at least partially vaccinated.

Less than 30% of L.A. County Sheriff’s Department staff members have received vaccine doses through employee clinics. (Some could have received shots elsewhere, but the department doesn’t keep track.) About 54% of employees of state prisons are at least partially vaccinated, but rates plummet at certain facilities — with one site recording just 24% of its staff fully vaccinated.

And that’s in LA!

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This is where the government needs to step in and require it.

Get the vaccine, or no more job.

Heh, people literally tried to assassinated Big Gretch because she wanted to keep the bars closed during the pandemic, we’re not ever mandating vaccines in USA#1.

I work on a college campus that will not be requiring vaccinations and will basically be business as usual this Fall. Anyone on staff who actually takes this seriously is preparing backup plans for what we’re gonna do when the inevitable breakout happens on campus. Unfortunately, there’s a pretty large number of college campuses where this is the plan. Sounds like it’s the plan for schools across the country too.

I’d be super happy to be wrong and we just sail through this Fall without issue.

People didn’t find the difficulty of enforcement to be a good argument against mask mandates or stay at home orders or any other intervention.

They were correct in that judgment.

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Like, what is the point of the state if not to save lives via coercion? All the slippery slope arguments fail in this exact case because what’s actually happening now is worse than any possible theoretical future harm. Guess what, if we have a government that shoots people up with poison they were going to do that anyway.


Shit, I over thought this one and went with Californians moving in.

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You guys are straight-up nuts if you think there’s any capacity in this country to force people to get vaccinated or to enforce serious stay-at-home orders. People were picketing outside Amy Acton’s house with assault rifles after she called for some half-assed social distancing measures. She had to quit her job and the governor caved in. The CDC doesn’t have an enforcement wing, and if they did they’d get massacred by angry MAGA chuds.

Also, it’s wild y’all think the FDA is slow-walking vaccine approval for sinister reasons but also you want that same government to kick down doors and inject people with stuff. Like, what are we even talking about here.

We are talking about inducing Trumpers and anti-vaxxers to overreact in a way that moves public opinion in favor of laying the hammer down on them.


There’s no hammer, my dude. If push comes to shove, the guys with the guns and badges are Tucker Carlson viewers.


Who’s in charge of the tanks?

Some kid who listens to Rogan.

There’s an army of people like this. The CDC does not have tanks.

The military has tanks. The enemy is trying to infiltrate the military and filter upwards. The recent General Milley story suggests they haven’t finished that job.

We’re in house divided territory in terms of irreconcilable differences. If we’re going to have a civil war, best to start it while we still have some trustworthy people in charge of the tanks and stuff that trump guns and pipe bombs. That happens if you force a symbolic confrontation that leaves reluctant soldiers with no cover to pretend things are fine.

Bruce wants to use the Army to enforce a vaccine requirement and he wants the Republicans to overreact. lol

Oh noes, an army of paunchy mid-40s dudes wearing tactical pants with Gadsden flag patches embroidered on, armed with homemade pipe bombs!! What are their demands?? Whatever you do, don’t make them mad!

EDIT: I don’t want to alarm anyone, but I hear they were quite uncouth to a high-level bureaucrat in Ohio!

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so many covid admits today, i’d wear a mask in public still guys. I guess I never stopped but I definitely would now.

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