COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I don’t think you will see as many deaths in aggregate, but just having tons of unvaccinated people running around in one place with zero social distancing seems like a new experiment.

But he never does the good ideas only the bad ones. If he is pushing something hard like the drug you can be pretty sure, absent any other data, it’s a terrible idea.

This is the sort of argument people use for not getting rid of the filibuster, because you’re afraid of what it might allow bad actors to do in the future.

People make that argument because it’s a good argument.

No it isn’t. The side of good intentions constantly makes this argument of not wanting to set a bad precedent. Then the side of bad intentions does it anyway the first opportunity they get.


The Rs have had several opportunities

My post was more about the general idea, but you’re correct in regards to the filibuster. That has nothing to do with precedent though and everything to do with the fact that Republicans disproportionately benefit from the filibuster.

Any meaningful government power can be used by bad people to do bad things, therefore government should have no power. That is the libertarian argument.

More stuff Ike this, please.


Methinks that was said here in like May of 2020.

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Let it rip as far as I’m concerned. I might even start saying COVID is a hoax.

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My brother in law and sister in law both have covid and have been fully vaccinated for awhile.

Mostly bad cold symptoms, though my BIL also lost sense of taste.

They’re doing ok.


Add Oregon to the list of states where covid is growing. 7DRA up almost 50% week over week. Looks like it may be outside of the Portland area, which isn’t surprising, given the politics and vaccination rates in eastern Oregon.

lol what the fuck

That’s full approval, not emergency use authorization.

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Meaningless bureaucracy.

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The companies said in the statement they would apply for full approval in people age 12 to 15 once the required six months of data following second vaccine doses are available.

I assume that means they need to wait until six months after the earliest point where 12+ who were authorized for emergency use could have gotten their second shot.

I don’t think they should take any shortcuts in giving full authorization. That’s what emergency use authorization is for.

There’s really nowhere in the US that is sufficiently vaccinated to be safe from Delta. This site gives 60% of Multnomah County as fully vaccinated, which leaves you 20+ percentage points shy of herd immunity. Some of that can be made up from prior infections, but the vaccines aren’t 100% effective either.

It’s practically insignificant outside of one thing-many in the reluctant camp are using “emergency authorization” = “not safe”.