COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Everyone still against state mandated vaccination? Cause I’m all for it.

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I’m supremely conflicted due to the precedent that could be set.

Like now it’s a good thing. But you know how things like this will be cited to allow some crazy Nazi shit in the future.


He’s even done this a few times when he’s just freestyling.

Remember “Why can’t Medicare just cover everyone?” or when he said that the US military should not police the world?

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Meh. If the Nazis are in a position to do something bad, they’ll do it with or without precedent. This hesitancy to do the right thing now because of some future unintended consequence sounds like wisdom but I think its a mistake.


the threat of literal nazis gaining state power is obviously big, but 1) it’s no bigger than the “consensus” around early war on terror, and 2) if we can arrive at a soft version of mandating vaccines as a result of public debate, that’s a sign that societal pressure works.

Yea his military comments were the first that came to mind. Who knows what his rationale was, if there even was rationale beyond “I’m going to say something that is the opposite of Hillary’s position,” but he obviously came to the right answer.

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Not sure what world people are living in where mandatory vaccination is some exotic innovation. There are a ton of vaccines that are effectively required now if you want to participate in society. It’s just children are the ones who are compelled to get them, so we pretend it’s not coercion. We could do the same thing for COVID. CDC could make a regulation saying it’s illegal to have unvaccinated people in the workplace, and employers can force their employees to get the shot or lose their jobs. We’re just not going to do it because.


They should quarantine all of Team USA basketball and bring in replacements.

gl enforcing that

For future note Texas politicians have only one note these days, illegal immigration.

They literally talk about nothing else, every day.

I mean, maybe, but the vaccines were developed and the rollout began when he was still president. Fauci would’ve been telling everyone to get vaccinated. I believe that most people in this forum’s vaccination acceptance wouldn’t be different if Trump was still president. I don’t think mine would be.

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You think Cali and NY are getting vaccines under a Trump second term?

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Well that’s a different question. I’m saying people would want them regardless of who was president. Not sure how much our access would have been limited.

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This isn’t any kind of insight, but it just hit me today that as we get into the winter and you have pockets of the country with high unvaccinated rates and zero distancing guidelines, that in some ways that could become a new low-point in terms of the sickness and death in some places.

I still would have been comfortable. I didn’t take the vaccine because of Biden or anyone else in the government for that matter. I took the vaccine because the entire credible scientific community said it was safe, effective, and responsible.


Update on project Vaccinate Mom:

Brag: checked in with her today and she said she’s go get one next week.

Beat: she said she was waiting till next week to get the shot because she didn’t want to get it this week and be feeling crappy for her trip to the Keys this weekend. SMH


I don’t think we’re going to see nearly as many deaths as last winter, but I also don’t think it’s going to take until November for case numbers to set new highs.

We don’t know that COVID-19 is a seasonal virus.

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