COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

That’s like my experience of the vasovagal thing caffeine noted. Doesn’t have to involve a vaccine for me. Any shot or sometimes just being in a doctor’s office/hospital will do, ha. I warn people and make sure I have a place to sit/lie down for a while if I have to.

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But people are disputing whether or not we should continue to be diligent despite this.

That’s not their argument at all. Goofy, specifically, has explained his reasoning to you. I think that’s fairly representative of the thread consensus.

Maybe they were thinking off “endemic”? I’ve seen “worldwide pandemic” enough to know that people are fast and loose with the terms.

Also, with all due respect, this needs to be said and I apologize if it has already been said recently as there’s no reason to belabor the point:

You’re Jman “Nuclear Holocaust” 220, and I feel like somebody forced a crazy-pill feeding tube down my throat.

It is the argument of a handful of posters. Goofy was not one of them to my knowledge.

Except, I’m not, and you’re repeating a bullshit talking point from a certain covid-minimizing poster who’s name I won’t utter.

My wife and I did this earlier this week.

It’s just the two of us in the house. We’re both vaccinated and Vermont has the best COVID numbers in the country by any metric you can think of. We figured it was time.

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Kind of weak that Johnny caught a temp ban for these posts.


I take it you mean per 100k people? 10/10k is not good.

You can’t disagree with Jman in Wookie’s world


I had a weird one at work today. We are on a tell the client we are vaccinated and ask them if they want to wear masks or not policy at the office these days.

Had a couple come in today to file a BK over medical bills and missed work due to long COVID hospital stays they barely survived. They were strong anti-mask but claimed to be vaxed.

Oh, that’s much better. I guess I’m just so used to seeing the new cases presented as new case per day per 100k people that seeing cases per month per 10k feels really unfamiliar.

Johnny is an awesome dude but I do wonder how moving to Canada, partially because of Covid, and then having Canada lag months behind on vaccines is weighing on him. That would frustrate me and make me frustrated others here who had taken it seriously had gone back to real life while I was waiting for my own immunity.


Yeah, this. He wasn’t even pushing the boundary much. He just had one obvious way-over-the-line post and gets to cool down.

Seriously? For these? I didn’t even believe it so I had to check. That seems excessive.

I wouldn’t have done it, but it’s short enough that I’m gonna try not to get too worked up about it. As I’ve said in the past, if someone is willing to put up with the bullshit of being a mod, I’ll look the other way on some decisions I think are kind of bullshit. C’est la vie.

I did read your reference to it. If that’s all, I still wouldn’t temp ban him for that.

Having said that I’m fine with Wookie wielding the banhammer as he sees fit. His judgment is generally fine even though I don’t agree with it 100%. He’s free to note my disagreement and do anything or nothing with that information.

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I didn’t move to Japan because of COVID, but I was feeling pretty good about where I was relative to those in the U.S. and elsewhere.

I can confirm that having had the tables turned and now being on the outside looking in while most of the world has gone back to some semblance of normalcy is thoroughly demoralizing.

Me in 2020: “Thank god I’m living in Japan.”

Me in 2021: “Curse me for living in Japan.”


There’s a certain irony in extrapolating linearly in a chart about Covid.