COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

No but it will probably go one for another 2-3 years longer than it needs to if we don’t get our act together.

But at least you will get your Chilis and Applebees and not live in fear!

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I’d be curious if there are any good studies on this. It sure seems to me like hesitancy is a much bigger problem than access right now, but that’s only based on my feels.

This is from data saying 33% of whites are vaccinated. Turns out they have racial data for ~50% of the shots they have done. Your characterization of percentage of blacks vaccinated is very likely very wrong.


I’d be curious about that too.

But I think there is something sort of in the middle going on.

When you are poor, living paycheck to paycheck, and struggling to get by it makes it hard to think about the future.

This even includes things like not eating healthy and not saving money.

If you fall into this category of people getting a vaccine might not be on your priority list even if you want to get one.

Other things might just feel more important, even if it’s drinking a beer and numbing yourself with Netflix so you can fall asleep and do it the next day.

Anyways, I have been unfair to a lot of people on here today. It’s why I nuked my first account on here. I’m going to step away for a few days before I nuke another account.

Other people have made this point, including Jman I think(One of the people I have been unfair too. I apologize), that we should pay people to get the vaccine. I think that would get the people who are open to getting the vaccine but not making it a priority get off their ass and get it.

And I guess my problem with the discord the last couple weeks is instead of empathizing with these people we are saying fuck them we got ours. If you don’t have it yet you are just a lazy anti science piece of shit.

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Understand that people on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale might have other reasons for not getting vaccinated yet and continue to do your part to mitigate it.

That doesn’t mean locking yourself in your house but that is what people like to pretend the argument is here.

Is a mask mandate unachievable?


Thanks for the scientific data you just provided.

I mean… I actually read the article. The numbers posted don’t make sense and the article gives the reason why. Giving a bunch of attitude about it won’t change those facts.

The overall point is people on the higher end of the socioeconomic scale were first in line and have the time and resources to get the vaccine.

To focus in on a percentage being wrong because we don’t have precise data is ignoring the overall point.

But you know that. Did you learn your debate skills from Ben Shapiro?

I will concede that is probably true.

That is how the whole debate started I thought. Of course now it is politically untenable but it wasn’t 60 days ago.

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Ex didn’t want to get second shot because she thought she was about to go into anaphylactic shock because she had a metallic taste in her mouth and felt lightheaded with a pounding heart after the first one. Was debating whether to let her son get the vaccine. She should know better but I didn’t press. Anyone here have a similar reaction to a vaccine shot?

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Sadly we are in what we do in the US probably doesn’t matter much. There is a much larger pool of humans to circulate in elsewhere in the world.

Not that I don’t disagree that we should continue to mask in crowds for the time being.

My wife likes to clean (like actually wash) anything going into the recycle bin because she read the residues complicate the recycle process. I lol because I know that 95+% don’t and that by simply rinsing we are 95% cleaner than already.

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What number is the difference between mattering and not mattering? I’m sincerely asking.

1000 extra deaths because we are not doing our best to use non medical interventions?

50 extra?

These are real people we are talking about. I know we have all become kind of numb to the whole thing.

And to be clear I’m not taking a shot at you but it just seems like the argument is we can’t do better at this point because we won’t try to do better.

I was being a little unfair saying people want to go to Chili’s. The lack of political will just drives me nuts and the lack of pushback this forum gave to the CDC’s guidelines is just puzzling to me. Not that we have any power to change anything.

Ask yourself this. If Trump was still president and the CDC came out with the same guidelines, would this forum thought differently of that decision?

And the reason the forums reaction was puzzling is there are a lot of people on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale still getting their first shot or waiting for their second shot. Not to mention the kids.

But I do not think anyone on this forum is a bad person for eating at a restaurant. I’m not trying to shame people.

I also don’t want to shame that single parent struggling to get by who just hasn’t made time for it yet.


Sounds like an anxiety attack to me.

Probably thought that she would feel that way prior to the shot and just confirmed her view.


Yes, I agree this is likely. Definitely has general anxiety issues. Having her go anti-vax would be shocking considering she’s smart and well-informed but people keep surprising me.

It’s not a little bit wrong. It’s a lot wrong. You can make shitty little comments all you want, but that won’t change.

No one disputes that the social determinants of health exist, falling back into that won’t magically make your data passable.

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I did, but I was exhausted after a night shift. It sounds more a vasovagal near syncope thing than anxiety. Was also nervous about side effects, because I knew it could come on that one. Anyways, none of those things are dangerous.

i’m vaxxed. admittedly i stopped caring quite as much, i am now wearing masks only while going to restaurants and gym. and i give fewer shits about people in my city who chose to be unvaccinated.

they are relatively fine at the moment due to everyone else’s compliance and vaccinations so far. if they get sick now, i’m going to shrug and smh but i won’t be heart broken. send their doses to vietnam, or mexico, or canada, or india, for foreign policy or goodwill or just to make some good on covid asap.

having said that, this thread is just unreadable, and no longer contains any practical things for my current headspace. unsubcribing.

You don’t have to be anti-vax to be anxious about it. I was definitely anxious before my second shot because I didn’t want to deal with the side effects of getting it. Still was happy to get it though.


I’m not disagreeing with you. The problem is there is a calculus that says that x effort is not worth y lives.

As we learned for Covid, solving for x and y we get “any”.

The math would seem to get different when instead of “recycle efficiency” in my example, the benefit is “lives saved”.

Anyhow I was talking more about the probability of bad variants arising. And that math wise, people wearing masks in a country with 70% immunity probably is a small rounding error compared to 7 billion non immunes.