COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun



Nah itā€™s BS but you knew that

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WTF Trolly?

Can you quote where he said this?


Yes. What Iā€™m saying is this was a spot where either the Vietnamese source or the BBC was wrong and not Churchill.

He had a post a while back about how super-COVID was going to kill lots of Americans followed by a popcorn.gif that seemed really obnoxious to me. Maybe Iā€™m overreacting.

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I remember the exact post, found it to be more of a waiting game meme than anything else, alough as I remember it, it obviously caught my eye as not needed.

Fair I suppose to question that as I did.



Definitely not.

Nah, Iā€™m probably being getting worked up and being an asshole here. Iā€™ll take that back.


No JT, I made fun of Churchill for pulling out a quote as if it was scary new information. I do appreciate your constant assertions that I donā€™t read good. If you could figure out what youā€™re actually mad about and work it out elsewhere, it would be better for the thread.

Alough Iā€™ve been harsh on the Beep, itā€™s not been because of their Covid-19 reporting as they as far as I can see are doing there best here, especially with our Government limiting access to the Sage/Nertag and other medical professionals set up for these incidents.

Sure theyā€™ve been a bit sensational lately l, but tbh the way the vast majority of the government officials have downplayed it at almost every turn maybe Iā€™ve been overly harsh.

I just know Iā€™m extremely paranoid about pandemics/varients and have mentioned before that this has broken my brain with the way some people have acted wrt trying to plough through selflessly and with no regard for others, then seeing slight breaks in some of the most considerable people around it not a easy thing for me to read, hence why I snapped at @superuberbob

I shouldnā€™t feel bad for thinking that people should be still wearing masks when out and about, but here I am in a Pandemic feeling bad for thinking that +16 months into this pandemic.

Letā€™s hope the USA does not get another wave then, as for the UK I canā€™t hold out that much hope, I think its just a matter of time and it will probably be covered up as much as it can be here in the Daily briefings.

I wonā€™t stop worrying until its near zero or herd imunity has been reached, as for now Iā€™ll take a rest on reading about the varients for a few days to let my Brian chill.

As I expect a few to be around after our holiday makers get back.



No, I ignore nonsense posted on the internetā€¦ sometimes. Wish I would do it more honestly. And lol at tapping my chin. Buzzing fly would be a far more accurate metaphor. Maybe honking clown? IDK, never been much of a writer. It is annoying and dumb though, thatā€™s for sure.

Canā€™t stop you from worrying, and I suppose there should be, and is, some sort of worry from everyone who seriously thinks about this stuff. However, thereā€™s been a lot of very good news where things could have gone wrong when it didnā€™t.

  1. The vaccines are in miracle territory now. Their safety profile combined with their effectiveness is the most significant single engineering achievement in human history. Millions upon millions of lives were saved by them.

  2. It remains extremely rare for someone to get covid twice, even as new ā€˜variantsā€™ fly around the place. As long as that remains true, this will end instead of being that low-level burn forever.

  3. While concerns around variants are valid, you should take how serious they are with a grain of salt. Weā€™ve literally never had near real time data on variations of viruses at this level of detail during a novel outbreak. What these changes mean is tough to say, and it will be interesting to see what it all meant when the dust settles.

  4. On top of that, the spike protein mechanism remains highly conserved (meaning, it doesnā€™t change much) as it has to hit a single target. That mechanism is very different than the flu structure of H (hemagglutinin) and N (neuraminidase). In flu, H binds to targets, N is what releases virus from infected cells. These mutate faster, and can then switch places with Hx and Hy and N1/N2 etc. Covid hasnā€™t shown it can do that yet. This is very good news.

If one of those four things suddenly change, itā€™s going to get bad real quick, but itā€™s good news and it seems unlikely, but not impossible, that it changes.


Oh come on, that line in that tweet (granted you didnā€™t write it) is absolutely sensationalist fear-mongering bullshit. Yes, we need to vaccinate teh world, absolutely, or there will be untold suffering. But ā€œhumanity will be consigned to a never-ending pandemic?ā€ GMAFB.

Thanks for the reply :+1:

Alough I donā€™t really understand this, Iā€™ve seen the protein spike of Covid-19 and kinda understand how it infects us on models etc and understand that the main concerns atm wrt varients is infection rates and not more severe illness + thereā€™s nothing to suggest that any variant is more dangerous for the children and as a caution tests are being done by the WHO.

Thereā€™s a lot of comfort in that atm, I should be more grateful but itā€™s been a long +16 months in my defence.

Getting my 2nd dose will also help relieve the stress of all this & I can finally go get that curry I promised myself.





Moi? (I actually have no idea cause Iā€™m turbo scrolling past most posts).

This is true.

In the meantime covid still has a ripple effect on the unvaccinated.

We could of took this miracle and redoubled our efforts with mask mandates and squash this thing.

Instead people wanted to get back to eating at Chiles.

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From JTā€™s article:

According to a recent analysis of C.D.C. data by Kaiser Health News, only twenty-two per cent of Black Americans have been vaccinated, and Black vaccination rates are significantly lower than those of whites in almost every state. Much of what has been called vaccine hesitancy is actually a problem of vaccine access.

But according to Jman:

Even if this is true (and I guess you would have to define walking distance) there are a lot of people who literally canā€™t afford to take time off and most employers donā€™t offer PTO for this type of thing.

And a lot of poor people have to get home to take care of the kids and cook dinner/help with homework.

You all just donā€™t get it and I suppose you never will.


Like, everyone is using the same logic the deplorables used at the beginning. It just blows my mind.

No, youā€™re right, thereā€™s totally a chance that Covid-19 is different from every other germ in the history of the world and is a respiratory virus that will stay at pandemic level deadliness for the rest of human history.

You snapped at me?

Man you guys have long memories.

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