About Moderation (old original thread)

I don’t think it’s bad, I just wouldn’t watch it again. Unless it was Thanksgiving at your house or something. Then it would be too good an opportunity to share your love for the movie in person.

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We should watch Dune every day until the new Dune is out (welcome back RF)

Miniseries, not the David Bowie movie, ya?

You mean Sting?

Miniseries were good imo. Leto 2 was a young Professor X (Tom McCavoy), fingers crossed that the movies are successful and they get that far although it’s going to be 2035 by the time they get to Children of Dune.

Yes! Right, brain fart. Getting my blonde English pop stars crossed.

It’s like we arbitrarily decided being individually racist is the worst possible thing and then reverse engineer every time we’re insulted and slandered the worst to somehow be racist. You seem disappointed and more concerned that Jwax is labelled racist than you do of being accused, and thoroughly defended I should note, of being a fascist child murderer. Like you just subconsciously know people won’t give a shit (not here on the forum but in general) unless it’s properly labelled with an acceptably harsh label.


That’s amazing.

Lol I am so done.


I hope you realize that’s not a nice and decent way to be even though it’s just called “lying” and not “lyingism” or something.

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It literally started as a joke in OOT like two decades ago when [CENSORED] would infract and/or ban people on a whim.

Thinking somebody is so beneath you that they’re not worthy of typing a few words is not quite the defense Riverman thinks it is.


crazy pills

feeding tube

right down my fucking gullet

meh, you really worked hard on that one. I don’t care about his “insult” (it’s too moronic to be insulting).

If someone yell “hey you fucker” to me I will probably have less interest than if he yells “hey you fucking jew”. Not sure that’s arbitrary as you think it is.

This wasn’t a case where I thought the meltdown was gone unnoticed. Anyone who read it realized how absurd it was and he was banned within minutes. I did want to point out that other than being remarkably moronic, attacking a person based on his nationality is racist imo. If your working theory is that it doesn’t matter, I disagree.

I was like, “Should I really really try to stress that isn’t some sort of attack on Yuv, or just not make the post at all? I mean, there’s a reasonable chance he’ll misunderstand it but what’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like he’s gonna derisively mock me at the drop of a hat.”

That’s not remotely the part I labelled as arbitrary. Like, it was a totally separate thing.

What if instead of just saying that I added, “Wow, you should have really worked hard on that one… “that one” being a basic fucking level of reading comprehension.”

How would that make you feel? Would you like that, would it make you feel really good on this fine Friday night?

If you think someone might misunderstand your post in a way that will make him feel uncomfortable or attacked which isn’t your intention, yeah, you should mention that.

Would be less mysterious and edgy, but will make everyone feel better on this fine Friday night.

Just the fact that you considered the “what’s the worst that could happen” as “what’s the worst that could happen -to me-” is a pretty good sign that the thought process is lacking.

Reading your post did not make me feel good on this fine Friday night, fwiw.

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You got more edits coming? I’ll wait.

You can bang out a few more sentences that reiterate “I don’t respect you enough to even read a fifty word post of basic English carefully”.

I respect you a lot and I like your posting which I have mentioned a lot.
I find the idea, as I understood from reading your post twice, that I mentioned racism (as I perceive it) as a way to get attention, as less than flattering and I disagree with your premise.

If I still misunderstood your post, it’s because I am incapable of understanding it.

Edit (sentence banged out, sorry) - I apologize for the ‘worked hard’ snarky comment at the beginning anyway. It wasn’t clever or constructive.

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What you are talking about has a name: mediation.

We could attempt to do a remediation of whoever the both happens to be re: whatever they are getting stuck on, That would be cool, and I’m up for it. @clovis8 might have differing opinions.

There’s a big caveat however

We’ve never done one before. The (only) purpose for the remediation to be in that thread in particular would be to serve as a learning exercise. If these two folks are :“live”, as in they are actively all really, really bitter at each other, then being used as a teaching moment might be pouring gasoline onto a fire.


I think we both might’ve realized the hard way that might not be true but hopefully not and everybody might just be on edge, myself included. It’s been a rough year and some.

It was a joke/observation that was meant to be less than flattering to other people, that they won’t care unless it’s one of the big isms, and that this thinking has been ingrained into all of us subconsciously. It’s been my whole theme of my posts in that Rogan thread and the Amazon thread.

But I’m not a maniac so I see how it could read like I was deriding you doing something as “a way to get attention” but I also said in the post it was of the worst of slanders and insults (a fascist baby killer for being Sophie’s Choiced into conscription under penalty of prison holy fuck) so I wouldn’t think that even if I framed it as “a way to get attention” I’d be saying that’s a bad thing (just the language of “attention seeking” has the built-in implication that it’s an issue not worthy of attention). If you know I like and respect you why not just assume I’m on your side and if it sounds like I’m not, then,

make a snarky comment that I didn’t work hard and am a shitty writer who needs to workshop his posts.

But yeah, it’s my bad, I was the one who revived a settled issue and I should’ve been extra careful and not tried to shoehorn your issue into my thing.

Nah I think it’s good.

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I really can’t imagine a better thread saver,

{ the nut low of analogies incoming }
Right niow, I’m trying to convince folks that hand histories can be useful. At the same time @trolly is at the table. And we got six players walking
{ ok, it’s safe to start reading again }


Damn it. That sucks. I can’t buy a break here.

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How about somebody doing a remediation: 6ix -vs- Sabo.

Shove that :heart: where the sun doesn’t shine asshole !!!1!

ETA: 6ix -vs- Sabo is a pretty good band name too,


I was trying to find some of that Victoar bullying and was horrified:

By God ■■■■■■■ that man has a family.

Actually, the fun game is trying to find a single time Riverman replied and engaged with ■■■■■■■ about anything, and the super fun game is trying to find when Riverman replied and engaged with anybody about anything (I guess outside of lolstonks and lolsports).