COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Yea they said they wanted to wait until after full dose or whatever… I know nothing about this stuff. I was just glad to hear my mom was excited about the vaccine. She is one of those nurses who never gets a flu shot.

Boomers are the most selfish generation ever. They’d be living it up and telling the under 40 crowd to stay home if they want to be scared little snowflakes.

We wish. It’s going to be way worse than that until at least late February, unless the vaccine rollouts are way faster than expected. I don’t see how it could get low enough in March to pull the average down to 3K.

I also think that the more people we vaccinate the more we’ll open stuff up and just maintain our pace of cases.

The overwhelming likelihood is that it will prevent the spread in 95% (or 94.5 or whatever it is) of people. We don’t know for sure yet but it would be extremely unlikely to be spread by vaccinated people, except I suppose by smear.

Congrats man! Hope this makes work slightly less stressful in 4-5 weeks when full immunity kicks in.

I see this shit is starting again. Lovely!

The 500+ outbreaks at kindergartens in the Czech Republic over the last year say otherwise churchill.

Prague Airport is very silent. Only 14 flights departing between 9 am and 7:30 pm today.

Got an hour to kill sitting alone at a vacant gate.

Mask/social distance compliance near 100%. Those who aren’t wearing a mask are (very) socially distant. Police walking around checking if people are wearing masks.

I’m transferring at Amsterdam. It’ll be way busier there since they still have international flights. A whole lot of them according to their website. KLM requires a negative covid test for travel outside of Europe. Should be safe travels.

In the US, do you find yourself asking strangers to put their mask on if they don’t have it on? Aside from the occasional student during work, there’s nobody in Prague that needs to be asked since they comply when needed.

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I try to create distance ASAP. If it’s an employee or something they’ll do it if you ask. If it’s a random other person there’s a high likelihood they are rude at best, raise their voice and do some aerosolizing, or threaten you.

So I haven’t even tried except when the landlord had a guy come clean the ducts and he kept letting his nose hang free in my house. He kept pulling it up while I was in sight and then pulling it down. After asking him three times I gave up and waited outside and waited a while to go back in.

So yeah welcome back to America.

Lols, not quite WichitaDM.

I posted articles stating kids may not spread as much as an adult and I (and the UK) class a ‘kid’ as being 12yrs or under.

I note this is in stark contrast to the mainly kidless forum members who still seem to believe under 12’s are germ factories speading at 10 times the rate an adult would.

The UK aren’t the best at tracking and tracing the virus but we are lightyears ahead of tin pot countries like CR. Sure, schools have had cases and the large majority have been tracked to teacher bringing virus to school - no superspreader outbreaks though, no virus ripping round primary (elementary) schools and they’ve all been maskless, indoors with absolutely zero social distancing (only distance between year groups) in UK since returning to school 6 months ago.

Nice that 3 of my kids at primary school have now finished for Christmas - They, Wifey and I just have to fade any symptoms for the next 5 days and maybe we can have a decent Chistmas… at home, not seeing the Grandparents or anyone else OFC.

The US has agreed to purchase 200 million doses of Moderna, and six million may be ready to ship now.

Other countries have also ordered the Moderna vaccine:

  • Canada plans to get two million doses by March - part of a total 56 million doses

  • The UK has already pre-ordered seven million doses

  • The European Union last month announced a contract to purchase of 80 million doses - with an option to purchase up to 80 million more - once the vaccine is deemed safe and effective

  • Japan has signed up for 50 million doses, South Korea for 20 million, and Switzerland has ordered 7.5 million, according to data compiled by the Duke University Global Health Innovation Center


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Don’t worry about it, they would have died anyways.

Just don’t go out in public and you’ll be much more comfortable. Expect a stark contrast to COVID-19 safety guideline adherence between the US and CR. There are maskless idiots everywhere here.

Kid started xmas break. Apparently the whole school is virtual the first week back because after thanksgiving break there was an uptick in cases.

Luckily we are already use to virtual but I am expecting a cluster now that it’s not just 2-3 kids per class being virtual, it’s the whole school.

Mitch gets the coronavirus vaccine from a KKK member in his hood


thought that dude was in a clan hood at first


Play stupid games (going to an election night party), win stupid prizes:

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Nobody knows how long the immunity will last. We only have a few months of data from the trials so far.

Gonna be wild when all democrats take a 95 percent effective vaccine and no republicans do. Gonna suck for the immunocompromised, but otherwise, gonna be wild.

Everything I’ve read is that, while we don’t know for sure that the vaccine will stop transmission… the vaccine will probably stop transmission.

It’s stable for 5 days at refrigeration temperatures.

New virus variant ‘can spread more rapidly’, UK tells WHO

The UK has informed the World Health Organization that the new variant of coronavirus can spread more quickly, the chief medical officer for England says.

Prof Chris Whitty says the decision came as a result of preliminary modelling data and the rapidly rising incidence rates of the virus in the South East.

But he says: “There is no current evidence to suggest the new strain causes a higher mortality rate or that it affects vaccines and treatments, although urgent work is under way to confirm this.”

It may well explain why infection rates started increasing in London during lockdown - something that has baffled experts.

Food and delivery workers are going to be in the next priority batch along with (likely) teachers and other frontline essential workers. Right now there’s only enough for frontline health care workers (highest risk) and nursing home residents (highest risk of death if they catch it). Tough to argue that other frontline workers should be above those two groups. I suppose we should probably be subgrouping and giving frontline workers who are over the age of X priority over the rest of the frontline workers though…