COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Wait a minute, you’re trying to draw a line between ‘effectiveness’ and ‘efficacy’?

You can fuck right the hell off.

No one cares, even if you’re right. If we say you ‘won’ this, will you stop with this bullshit forever?


Just quoting the Vaccine Alliance who seem to draw a large distinction between efficacy and effectiveness when referring to vaccines, especially new ones where the ‘effectiveness’ can only be measured when the ‘population’ has been vaccinated.

But, the ER doc knows all as he evens uses the words interchangeably- vaccine expert too, no doubt

Can we vote people off the island or isn’t that a thing on this forum?


Let’s say that you’re right. Can you tell me exactly, in your own words, what this large distinction is and how it changes this conversation?

Only once the island achieves herd immunity.


Is there more than one of you? Who’s in this clique?

This is BS. Can you show your math please, or like your source?? As the quotes from experts actually in the vaccine field show, the ‘effectiveness’ of Covid vaccines is nothing but a pure guestimate before the population is vaccinated - as at today the US has ~38k of the ~330m (0.1%) population vaccinated.

But here we have the first calculation of effectiveness of the covid vaccine when compared with flu vaccine (apples and pears)… World first for UP folks

They’ll be off the island for 48hrs max but you have to put up with cursewealth / commonrounder making the threada about him

Your link’s title is ‘Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine’ so at least the title’s correct.

Study more, Bud. Just imagine the guys that do ‘Vaccines’ might know a little more than the guys that do ER.

Churchill I have zero interest in talking about effectiveness vs efficacy with you. I want you to explain why this is so critically important for our conversation. You don’t seem to be too excited to answer that question.

Anyways, the NEJM paper for the Pfizer vaccine says:

A two-dose regimen of BNT162b2 (30 μg per dose, given 21 days apart) was found to be safe and 95% effective against Covid-19.

Have fun bud.

Discuss with these guys

I think they’re prioritizing the elderly because they die at such a high rate from the virus, so vaccinating them first will save tens or hundreds of thousands of lives.

Remember that we are underestimating by 59% so the true number is actually close to 500k already, and future estimates based on excess deaths should adjust the official toll up for this.

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Yeah. CDC researchers estimate that we passed 300k deaths in the first week of October.


(Case chart. New record today.)

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Vaccine slippage is real. My wife found plane tickets to Manilla in July for $600 for a combo 40th bday/Christmas gift. Guess I’m joining suzzer on team fly all over pozzing people to get laid. Start my containment thread.


The only thought I have is that if you’re gonna let people with vaccines travel, then you should let people who had COVID travel too.

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@goofyballer The Stanford stuff was surprising to me because I know someone who is a doc there and they told me they got the shot already. Made it seem like every one was.

Seems like you’re 100% right though. This person was kind of a serial, oh let’s be kind today, exaggerator when it came to stupid things like this though. Stanford announced changes though, we’ll see what happens.

So my mom and sister in law are both icu nurses. They are both scheduled to get vaccinated. I have a one year old that they haven’t seen for 8 months or so. My mom did take multiple tests and quarantine and we visited earlier this year but other than that my kid has seen her doctor and me and my wife.
They have both asked me already if after they get the vaccine if they can visit. My brother and his kids said they would quarantine for a couple weeks before. This seems fine to me but my brother has kids 9-11 years old. I get that all of us adults are going to get vaccines soon but what about the kids? We are just going to allow it run rampant with kids cause it doesn’t kill them?

Churchhill has posted 142 articles saying kids are perfectly safe and can’t spread it. So you should be fine. Enjoy!


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Do it. It’s lovely.

You’d have to be 4 weeks minimum from the first vaccination and a week from the second.

After that? You’re probably pretty safe. There’s no certainty in this world though. I’m not sure how to think about the next four weeks as they are continually exposed to covid while not fully immune. So maybe 6? That way they’d be at 2 weeks of 95% effectiveness before coming over.

It’s a judgment call with no hard answer. The risk is a lot less in a few weeks though

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