COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

R gets an auto WINNAR from the committee.

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Schipol? Make sure you make your connection in a timely fashion. Otherwise the very stern lady will take you bags off the plane!!!

Make sure you are inside security if you ask an anti masker to wear their mask. They could be packing otherwise.

Natural selection combined with environmental pressure combined with an RNA virus that mutates rapidly (in general RNA viruses) is evolution in action.

I see it all the time professionally, letā€™s hope the antigen nature of then spike protein is conserved enough. Half assed vaccination in the background of very high infection load is just how you run the experiment to see if can evolve to avoid then antibodies but still remain as infectious.

I think Chads is talking about all the charts etc ITT that were posted, basically none of them mentioned essential workers. After health care professionals and those over 80 it looks like it layers down to then 70s, 60s, and 50s with no mention of essential workers. That might be the UK plan though.

He was arguing they should get some priority, probably before people in their 50s working from home. Definitely not that they should get it before people 70+

Well you only have one birthday a year, what are you going to do, skip the party?

Part of it are a lot of grocery workers and low paid essential employees are minorities.


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I would take that bet on my itinerary.

But but but, how can you shut down retail at Christmas!?!?!?

If your mom and SIL are both willing to wait for a week after the second dose before visiting, that is thoughtful and considerate of them, and then the risk of getting anything from them is negligible, unless they decide to stop by right after a shift still in their gear or something ridiculous like that. Is your brother WFH? Are the kids doing school remotely? If both are yes, then Iā€™d probably accept the lot of them over, outside of any other obvious issues, as your SIL would otherwise be the greatest risk of infecting anyone in that family. If not, maybe just mom and SIL? Congrats either way, though. Itā€™ll be nice to have people over, even if not everyone just yet.

More than 1,500 people lost their lives to COVID-19 in the last week ā€” a number that represents 7% of the stateā€™s more than 22,000 total coronavirus-related fatalities.

The death tolls seen Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ā€” 295, 394, 288 and 265, respectively ā€” represent the four deadliest days the state has seen throughout the entire pandemic, according to data compiled by The Times.

California on Friday broke a record for most coronavirus cases in a single day with 53,326, topping the high last set Wednesday, when 52,330 cases were reported, according to The Timesā€™ county-by-county survey. The state is now averaging more than 40,000 new coronavirus cases a day over the last week, a new record and 10 times the figure from Halloween.

The record for the number of Californians currently hospitalized for COVID-19 has been broken for 20 days in a row, rising to 16,019 by Thursday, including 3,447 people in intensive care units. COVID-19 hospitalizations have multiplied sevenfold since mid-October.

The state recorded 265 COVID-19 deaths Friday, its fourth-largest single-day tally. California is now averaging 226 deaths a day, also a new record, and five times the comparable figure from early November.

My cousin tested positive yesterday. Sheā€™s a public health worker in WV and sheā€™s been working with people who come in for COVID testing, so a high exposure situation. Fortunately she doesnā€™t have any risk factors and her symptoms are mild so far.

In vaccine anecdotes, the same cousin had access to get a vaccine on Thursday but decided not to take it for reasons that I wonā€™t get into. When someone else who was scheduled to take it didnā€™t show up, she was able to get one of her kids vaccinated. Maybe not the most efficient allocation process.

Another of my cousins in WV got vaccinated yesterday. Sheā€™s a rookie nurse, and I think she has been working in ICUs.

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UK Spread of virus being driven by new variant - PM

The prime minister says the spread of the virus in many parts of south-east England is now ā€œbeing driven by the new variant of the virusā€.

Boris Johnson reiterates that thereā€™s no evidence that it causes more severe illness or higher mortality.

"It may be up to 70% more transmissible than the old variant," he says, adding that itā€™s early data and subject to review.

The new variant has ā€˜changed Covidā€™s method of attack, can be tracked back to September in UK and is now the dominant variant, making up to 60% of the cases in Londonā€™. The new variant is known to be in other countries.

Thatā€™s kind of crazy. How old? Any risk factors?

Heā€™s in college. He is working part-time at the public health agency, so maybe he counts as a frontline worker.

Thereā€™s. clinic by my house that does PCR testing - line was the longest Iā€™ve ever seen it this morning.

One urgent care we do accounting for

Last year gross revenue 700k

This year. 3,000,000

They got a few hundred K of PPP

totes not broken

Thousands of mutations have been spotted since Wuhan but this one seems to be notable. New variant contains 23 changes, many of which are to the protein of the virus.

Sir Patrick Vallance talk you through it at 11.43

Can you post a serious source? Thereā€™s far more than one protein of the virus. The main ones are the spike (S), envelope (E), membrane (M), and nucleocapsid (N). There are other accessory proteins as well.

11.43 above is the UK government source.

2 known changes to spike protein but you know I donā€™t know the rest