COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Not watching a video. Especially not a 40 minute video.

Can you spare 11 seconds?

I did, it’s says ‘changes in the protein that the virus makes’.

ok thanks, that’s not really useful.

this is the kind of bullshit that leads to full-time frontline workers going on strike

So you’re of the opinion long covid is horseshit and I’m to value your internet opinion more than Nervtag. It’s early information, you’ll have to wait a week before you can appear knowledgeable to your colleagues.

R just went up at least 0.4, faster rate of transmission and already busy hospitals have no chance of keeping up. The variant is no more deadly but with hospitals maxxed out is doesn’t need to be.

If you’re so well informed, it’s a shame you didn’t let us know earlier about this

Mr Johnson said the new restrictions were necessary because of the spread of a variant of coronavirus, which was transmitting faster than the original.

He said analysis from New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag) suggests the new variant could increase the R number - or reproductive rate of the virus - by 0.4 or more.

Although there is “considerable uncertainty”, it may be up to 70% more transmissible then the old variant, he said.

Prof Chris Whitty said that while the new strain of coronavirus will make things much worse, if the vaccine works against it there was room for optimism.

He added: “I think this is a situation which is going to make things a lot worse, but there are some really optimistic things if you look once we get the vaccine out, assuming the vaccine works against this, which at the moment is the working assumption.”

It’s always interesting to see people’s behavior on Internet forums once their ego gets involved.

Two quick things Churchill-

  1. I never said Nervtag is bullshit. The source you’re providing isn’t useful. That’s unsurprising given it’s verbal communication designed for laypeople.

  2. I never said long covid is bullshit either, it’s just set up to be the new bullshit thing. We’ll find out more as we go.

All I ask is that you provide sources for what your quotes, as I can’t even find your source when I google your quotes.

While it’s possible that the vaccine won’t work because of a mutation, it’s not likely as the ace2 target region of the spike protein is likely to be highly conserved in order to continue using ace2 as an entry point. If you could provide an actual source with real information, it’d be very useful to know to evaluate precisely what mutations they’re talking about.

Last few hours quotes from here As it happened: Tighter rules for Christmas outlined amid surge in cases - BBC News

The source is Nervtag and Porton Down. As Boris states 'the UK are the world’s leading authority on Geonomics and US might be analysing the geonome themselves if Ttump hadn’t closed the research down.

Your Nervtag report will be out in a few days. In the meantime, the UK have made the World Health Organisation aware of their earlier, concrete findings.

Here, this might help a genius like you… The new mutated cases of covid infection are positive for ORF1ab and N genes (??)

Other countries with the new variant is confirmed to be driving Germany’s first full lockdown but was in UK before Germany.

well once you start posting sources that are complete and easily reviewable a lot more people will be able to look and comment on them. What you’re providing now is useless.


I mean this is rich from a poster that has never linked a source.

Maybe I should just link Twiiter peeps like Dan does

Lock 'em up!

The claim here is that children spread the disease, not that they die from it.

That would only be the claim here.

Everywhere else in the world opened schools and US is still the worse affected country.

If they’re less likely to suffer, why lock them up?

I’m long done with OFS. It’s normal here. I’d be the same about our 70mph speed limit on freeways because it’s all I know.

Edited to add that the new variant is also a problem because it’s ripping through all ages groups, not the usual moving up from 24+yr age groups - so there is that - likely our schools might be going back a little later!

UK came out of 4 week lockdown lite (OFS) a couple of weeks ago, it’s like the new variant goes vertical pretty quick…

Anyone have any idea what the derposphere reaction is to guys like Pence and Mitch getting it.

Probably half the replies on my wife’s vax social media posts are people saying they won’t take it or are worried about taking it. Her friends list definitely trends left of center. WAAF.

I would just calmly ask how do they think the pandemic will eventually end so that we can get back to normal living again.

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Caffeine is an actual doctor, right? Yeah I’m going to go ahead and give his posts a little more weight than links from another poster to random pieces of youtube videos.


Not understanding the link between open for school and case density is an issue.

And not understanding that OFS in whogivesafuck America is very different than in Europe is another issue.

Impeaching one person in the “schools don’t help camp” doesn’t destroy the whole point. The Latest people I’ve linked herein have gotten zero pushback. But RJ, blah blah blah the whole argument is invalid.

But why don’t you go ahead and have another eruption. It seems to make you happy and feel superior. Certainly shitting all over docbros is helpful itt.


Cases really exploding in San Diego. Southern California is so screwed. Seems like more people are out than ever and restaurants that have patios people are just getting food to go and eating them there anyways. Seen a few “The French Laundry” banners around town at restaurants which is sort of funny but also the sign of a super deplorable. My old job laid off my former coworkers again and they’ve had to resort to asking the restaurants instagram page when they plan on opening again. Its pretty messed up that everyone who moved on is actually in a better spot that those who got hired back to an increasingly shittier job.

When it was just theoretical I had some hesitation but now:


Intramuscular tho I think.