COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Had to go to kohl’s to get some Xmas gifts for my wife

Wasn’t too busy. Everyone had masks on.

It felt so nice to see other people, even for a few minutes.

First place I’ve been to other than the gas station or work since March.


24 hours out. Injection site mildly sore if I press on it. Typical flu shot kinda stuff


I’m an actual doctor, but I do try to keep a real differentiation between what I’m an expert in and what I’m not an expert in. I’m not an expert in immunology, epidemiology or biology. I have a lot more experience in those things than most people, but I’m not an expert.

So feel free to criticize and try to poke holes in things I say. I find that most of my disagreements with other experts out there are actually disagreements with posters understandings of those experts.

I would say that I’m an expert in the triaging and acute resuscitation of covid patients in the ER though. I’ve done that at a level that very few people have, even in my specialty.


Replying to churchill does not improve the thread.


I’m sorry.

Positive. All the cold symptoms, feel like I’ve ruined xmas for the gf. Sigh.


If you don’t have one get a pulse ox meter. Watch for any weird leg pain or anything that indicates potential clotting issues.

Take care.

What else docbros?


It’s crazy that UP went like 7+ months with zero positives then in the last month or so we’ve had a lot. Really helps show the severity of community spread right now.


We’ve def pulled back. Still running into stores but trying to be selective on when.

Under 24 hr turnaround from test to call from health authorities, like an hr on contact tracing/general Q&A and they’ll call back in 2 days apparently.


Sounds like we may have a flu shot situation eventually.

Also sorry.

Could there be a change? Sure. A flu situation? No. The processes in those papers are very different than how flu changes. Updates to the vaccine are possible, but the chances of being in a situation of having a vaccine that works 50-70% of the time that needs to be updated every year? No.

Do we want to get into why? It’s going to get a bit in the weeds and it’s at about the limit of what I know. I could make some mistakes at that spot.

Eh, someone has to address to constant misinfo.

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Real scientists support their work out of their legal defense funds.

I was worried I was out of line when I saw that his Twitter name ended with “epi,” but it turns out he’s an “epidemiologist of social inequality and state violence,” not a real epidemiologist.

don’t worry, you’re still out of line.

Haha, imagine listening to theories about this disease from someone who isn’t an epidemiologist…

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Was expecting that at the supermarket I just went to but was surprised that it wasn’t. My mother lives in Karenland, NYC but I haven’t seen anybody flouting the rules yet

Anyway looks like I didn’t need a covid test to enter America after all. Just had to fill some online form on the honor system. Lol America.

Was probably the easiest trip ever despite the “random” extra security check. I’m convinced that I’m on a watch list given how often I go through that shit compared to every other American I’ve spoken to who flies internationally.

If you stay in NYC you may find better mask compliance given what they went through in the spring. Be safe.