COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Fwiw in Iowa we’re still not looking to even be close to getting the vaccine.

Any opportunity to hop state lines and take one of those appointments in southern IL?

Even if you drive out to some small town in the middle of a bunch of cornfields?

From this thread we also know that there are definitely places in downstate IL that have openings. You could try calling some of those places up. After all, I did qualify my prediction with an “If you’re motivated”.

Nevertheless, let’s check back in 10 days and see where you’re at.

Funny what the data shows when you really track and trace.

And it isn’t coming from schools is hilarious coming from the B117 “expert”

Poll (not serious)
When I get the flaming reply should I

A. Put on ignore
B. Make a rational counter-argument
C. Speak my mind and eat a ban?


That’s fair, and early April is when I’d likely start calling around. I just know I live in a relatively small town and I’m still not really close to the front of the line.

What is the math on two week quarantines on either side of the injection when you need three weeks between injections?

I am legitimately trying to work it out in my head and then I get distracted by tick tock.

Seems like you would need to stay in the US for three weeks?

This is supercovid Dan. The new one. VOC. I said 4 months ago the VOC were transmitted as much by kids as by adults and that you’d use the new supercovid stats to bolster your unprovem claims about old covid.

No. You are flat out wrong on this. No middle ground, no maybes, this statement is factually completely incorrect


Is there data showing the volume of child-spread linked fatalities? I am not questioning your expert conclusion in any way, and it also comports with my caveman intuitive read, but I’m curious if it has been quantified to a certain baseline.

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How old are you?


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I mean, you realize that very statement proves you wrong right? That’s not even getting into the limitations of such studies. Come on churchill.

Baseline is harder to do. No one with systemic spread is testing enough to confidently answer your question. It’s likely that kids are spreading the disease less, however, they absolutely still spread the disease. Churchill got himself in trouble because he made a ridiculous overbroad claim because, well, he doesn’t actually understand the science involved.

The effectiveness of transmission between children is a matter of some debate, but it’s not zero or anything close to it. Kids spread respiratory viruses. That’s been true of every respiratory virus before, and there’s no reason to suspect they won’t on this one. Studies that have shown poor transmission levels have generally been poor studies that are either not applicable to the general population due to hawthorn effect and perfect compliance to a strict protocol or simply didn’t test enough to actually get an answer.


Well if anything, you’re making my line look better. If everyone is under, then my prediction was too conservative. We need some overs to balance it out. But obviously, I’d rather that you just get it ASAP.

@anon29622970, at the pharmacy I signed up at an hour from Iowa, the disclaimers said multiple times that the vaccines were only for IL residents and that they were checking IDs.


Can you just show up with a passport to see what they do? Obviously, you’ll suddenly find your driver’s license if it comes down to it.

Sure you can, no idea if that will work.

I think it would be an interesting experiment given how laissez-faire all these places are about actually enforcing any rules. But I can understand if you didn’t want to do it.

I was suggesting that you do it as an experiment.

Wasn’t there someone here from Chicago that drove up to Kenosha, WI to get vaccinated and then they cracked down shortly after.

How did everything go with the second shot?