COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Some of these arguments are akin to claiming that birds fly because they immune from gravity.


Sure with below and a tracking app that’s widely used, there’s a few studies that may indicate if WFH parents are dying at excess rates…

REal-time Assessment of Community Transmission (REACT)

This COVID-19 research programme, funded by the DHSC, is being led by a team of scientists, clinicians and researchers at Imperial College London, alongside colleagues at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Ipsos MORI and other partners.

REACT protocol

REACT study information

REACT study announcements



April 2020 – ongoing

The REACT-1 study was launched in April 2020. It is a large population study that estimates the prevalence of the virus causing COVID-19 in the general population in England. It also estimates how quickly the virus transmits between people (R value). Over 150,000 unique participants take part each month and provide insights about COVID-19.

REACT-1 monthly research findings


May 2020 – ongoing

The REACT-2 study started in May 2020 to estimate how many people have already had COVID-19 in England and to learn more about changes in antibodies levels in the population.

This study involves approximately 150,000 unique people over a 6-week period who all used a finger prick test. Additional information is collected on contact with known cases to estimate an infection point prevalence at national, regional and local levels. REACT-2 has also helped scientists learn more about the usability and accuracy of different antibody tests.

COVID-19 symptom study app

This is a not-for-profit initiative started by health science company ZOE in collaboration with King’s College London in March 2020. It supports vital COVID-19 research and is one of the world’s largest ongoing studies of COVID-19 symptoms and facilitates hotspot detection. The ZOE app provides unique insight on asymptomatic and symptomatic information across the UK with over one million logging on a weekly basis, and is supported by a grant from DHSC to support its on-going data collection.

Protocol and methodology

Press release

Research findings

COVID symptom study app FAQs

Data collection

Test kits and instructions are delivered by post to the participant’s household. Study participation involves a self-administered throat and nasal swab, and completion of a short online or telephone questionnaire including information on demographic variables, household composition, behaviour and recent symptoms. A parent or guardian takes the swab for children aged 12 years or below and also aid in questionnaire completion for children as needed.

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This acronym is going to completely fuck with my life


my claim…

I cannot remember the acronym for this study but I assure you it’s happening - not a far stretch when above shows you we test 150,000 people monthly for antibodies and another 150,000 random asymptomatics or otherwise, many under 12yrs, since April 2020.

Yeah, don’t nail me to a tree, yet.


You’ve been asked for this citation multiple times, and you’ve always failed to provide it. You should expect to be getting questioned on why that is. Like, if you can’t recall enough detail to find it, why should anyone believe that your recollection of it is accurate?

I think I’d prefer the rowboat to the plane. Extreme social distancing.

I would think this is what Churchill is taking about.

The results are publicly available.


My mother says that in NYC, appointments are extremely difficult to get as the demand massively outweighs the supply. She got on Walgreen’s waiting list weeks ago but hasn’t heard anything. She’s 60+ so I figured she’d be eligible for an appointment.

Some of my family members in NYC only got it because they know somebody at an urgent care clinic who tipped them off to come in at the end of a day where they had extra vaccines.

One of my sisters changed her mind and is awaiting her second shot. She told me that her efforts to convince my other sister and her boyfriend did not work.

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Tons of appointments on Walgreens in NYC right now. Just checked while I was editing my own appointment. You might want to help her make the appointment.

Dodger Stadium closed early yesterday because they didn’t have enough people show up to get vaccinated.

Yeah, I second Meraxes. I think you can find an appointment if you spend an hour or two looking. This Facebook group was very helpful when I was scheduling my appointment.

Also, not sure where your mom lives, but lots of sites showing availability here:

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I took my 16 year old to be vaccinated today about an hour outside of LA. They don’t have any real ID, but we brought their old school ID, a birth certificate, and some documentation to support their eligibility to receive the vaccine. We were asked to show exactly zero of any of that, as far as the people at CVS were concerned, there was an appointment, therefore a needle was going in an arm.


according to wapo, it’s finally lower avg cases and deaths per day since around the election. fucking trmp.

Seems like a huge leak not to verify age. If they’re under 16 and anything happens CVS is gonna have to pay out like a slot machine.

Agree, and doing anything to a minor without documenting parental consent also seems pretty risky.

They didn’t have you sign the consent form?

They didn’t have us do anything. We checked in, waited in a line, and they vaccinated my kid.

No paperwork at all? There had to be a form where they asked the standard questions (e.g. have you had an allergic reaction to vaccines, are you pregnant, etc.)?

They skipped that too? That’s fucking nuts.