COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

What vaccines is Chile using? Google not showing much.

Mostly sinovac. Itā€™s pretty funny how far down the stories lauding them you need to go to find that out.

(They have contracts with multiple people, but deliveries so far are Pfizer and Sinovac, mostly the latter.)

I searched that. They are using a lot of them. 10 million Phizer. But they are using astrosenica? (same), sinovac? (chinese), some others.


Maybe itā€™s just those vaccines not being as good? Maybe it has more to do with what population has been vaccinated and what population the new cases are in? (the confirmed deaths have gone up a little, but not much) Maybe has to do with testing?

According to Chilean Health Minister Dr. Enrique Paris, the country has acquired or is in the process or receiving 10 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and an additional 10 million from Sinovac. The country later reached agreements with Covax (WHO), Johnson & Johnson and Astrazeneca to reach the 35.7 million total.

Takes two weeks for vaccines to take effect. Prob everybody gets vaxxed and YOLO immediately afterwards instead of waiting

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Probably, but weā€™re all YOLO as well, right? But they did ramp up vaccinations a little after us.

Maybe this is it:

which could be the infections are mostly among school kids while maybe the vaccinations are mostly adults.

So are we going to vaccinate kids? Just talking with my wife about it and sheā€™s saying itā€™s pretty uncertain, thereā€™s not much plan for it, not being tested, donā€™t know when kids under 16 get vaccinated.

Seems like a problem if the chief germ factory in the world is just going to keep stewing in covid.

There are definitely clinical trials with kids being conducted. We considered submitting my son (12) for one but it required like 6 in-person visits and is 90 minutes away.

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But the hospitals are 80% full and it isnā€™t kids taking the beds?

All the vaccines were designed April '20 before the variants. All will suffer a drop in effectiveness, most have reported such.

Well, kids can still be getting people sick and while a lot of adults are vaccinated, a lot arenā€™t. Are fully vaccinated people in the hospital? (I donā€™t expect itā€™s easy to find an answer to this.)

Itā€™s definitely being tested. Iā€™d say o/u at least some kids under 16 getting at least one vaccine approved is about 8 months. Iā€™d take the under on one year for sure.

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Maybe you are. Still a lockdown where I am.

you seem to be jumping to conclusions? must be the kids! (I donā€™t expect itā€™s easy to find any evidence of this.)

bingo, may be itā€™s the adults getting the adults sick? 20% vaccinated still leaves alot of unvaccinated folks inc. kids.

I suspect that antibodies take nearer 3 weeks than 2 weeks. I also reckon current vaccines still allow some transmission of the new variant, especially the South African variant (hence my posts 10 weeks ago on the topic)

Schools are still remote, lotta people still wfh, masks required at stores, no indoor dining, so not exactly YOLO. Somewhere in between and it really hasnā€™t changed much one way or the other since like last May or whenever the initial ā€œlockdownā€ loosened up.

Speculation isnā€™t really jumping to conclusions, but seems like reasonable speculation.

More to the point of whether or not Chile is scary (in regards to what we should expect in the future) is if vaccinated adults are contracting covid because of the variants.

Sure saved loads of vases / deaths in the US, compared with ALL those other countries where kids returned to school. 536k deaths with remote schools, just imagine where youā€™d be if US had opened them.

US was and still is YOLOING way more than EU countries. Way more. Even when we factor in OFS ;)

Yes, letā€™s keep it on topic. I havenā€™t heard any concerns about Sputnik so Iā€™d rule that concern out.

Lots of chin masks will be taking these new variants home

This is basic germ theory.

Micro- kids will be vaccinated. Standard medical ethics makes studying them harder. Studies are in progress. Donā€™t see why they wouldnā€™t work or would be unsafe

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Iā€™m gonna take a small victory lap on this late December prediction. IIRC, most people were thinking summer at that point.

Kids and schools were the bogey man way back during Covid-19: Chapter One - 12 months have passed, hundreds of studies done but still no evidence kids are killing people. Teachers, worldwide, are still alive. Parents have been proven to be at no greater risk, even when their kids attend in person schooling ya know!

This is basic observation.

Basic germ theory was the vaccinated not transmitting, wasnā€™t it? " It would go against everything we knowā€¦" Covid running circles around basic theories; left, right and centre.