COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

We’re being told to expect the VOC booster inarms by August or September in UK

“Sir, do you have insurance?”

“Yes, I live in a civilized country.”

“OK, but who is your health insurance provider?”


“Excuse me?”

“The country. Japan.”

“That’s not on my list…”


Chile hospitals almost full despite high vaccination rate

Chile’s vaccination rate is the third highest in the world, according to some experts, but that hasn’t stopped another resurgence in Covid-19. Infection rates are currently higher there than at any point in the pandemic.

Almost all hospital beds in the country are full and a new lockdown is being imposed in the capital Santiago.

More than 8.5 million vaccine doses have been administered in the country of 19 million people, according to Oxford University’s Covid tracker. But officials say new variants and a relaxation of restrictions has led to the resurgence in cases.

You know people aren’t gonna keep up with the constant vaccination too. I mean if only 50% are getting vaccinated now it’s gonna be way lower for future strains. They’re just gonna accept a certain number of deaths per year and live on.

Wonder if it’ll be limited against Moderna too and how limited

It’ll probably settle into the annual rate of flu vaccination, maybe a touch higher because some % of the population will take vaccination more seriously than before the pandemic.

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FYI this was 48.4 percent in the 2019-20 season

That will be me, before 2020 I’d never had a flu shot and now I’ll be getting one annually going forward.


I think it depends on what damage Covid does long term. The normal flu also disproportionally impacts the olds but it just causes the young to feel sick for a few days and then back to normal. Aside from vague “long Covid” it does do a significant number on people’s lungs and they at least feel like shit for weeks if they have strong symptoms.

If enough people experience “like me” experience that, hopefully that will drive booster compliance. Hopefully.

vaccines are so efficient vs covid it just seems unlikely some devastating variant comes along.

We give it a chance by haphazard vaccination and infection control. Letting it circulate in high numbers with lots of partially immune people running around is the recipe.

A gd hard lockdown for 4 weeks would go a significant way to knocking down the current infection rate and take the sails out of these variants. But noooooo…we can’t do that.

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Ship the Nobel Prize, I guess.

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Almost everyone I know in Los Angeles has had at least their first shot. I’m starting to line up stuff that I’ve had on hold for the past year (going to the dentist for a cleaning, for instance). I could be completely insane but it definitely feels like things will be pretty normal here by the end of the summer.

Is this due to much higher vaccination rates here compared to Europe or am I fooling myself about how much better it’s getting here?

Vaccines will make us safer individually and society has developed a higher tolerance for cases so I do think it will feel more normal this summer.

EU is talking about vaccine passports for travel.

I am severely conflicted over that.

With an effective vaccine, it’s seems a little hard to justify lockdowns over mandatory vaccinations. I’ll concede that forcing someone to be vaccinated is a serious violation of their rights, but so is forcing someone to stay in their home for a month.

Also, mandatory vaccination will produce herd immunity and eventually drive the virus to near-zero. A lockdown will just produce temporary benefits.

We’re not doing either one, so it’s academic, of course. OFSpringBreak!

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first the cop came for the protesters. then the cops came for the partiers.

I’ve had multiple people on my Facebook feed posting prom pictures today.

The chart of new cases in CA is certainly encouraging, but what was just said about Chile certainly wasn’t.