COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Not my area but I agree that’s not something I’d expect an experienced researcher to say. Only Sherlock Holmes can get away with it.

Maybe something got lost in translation.

We live in the stupidest society.

FWIW, I researched amtrak recently for a trip this summer, because fuck getting on an airplane during covid, and they apparently also upgraded their ventilation systems as well. That said, I think it is insanity to get on a train if you don’t have to before you get your second shot + 2 weeks.

My sister’s bf who is a school therapist or something doesn’t believe in the vaccine I want to kill everyone


He’s pretty leftist too I don’t get it

WTF does this even mean?

Something about trusting corporations

I mean, fine. But also scientific groups and government agencies all over the world have said to get the shot.

Now that both my parents are fully vaxxed and feeling invincible, I’m weighing whether to risk a flight home to the US to expedite my own vax by months, or wait it out here in Japan, where I likely won’t get the needle for another six months if even that.


Huh, vaccine tourism could be a fun new industry for USA#1.


New? South Americans already fly to Florida for this.

A day late and not scientific, but after spending weeks doing shifts in the vaccine clinic I never saw one person who had an allergic reaction during the 15 waiting time and that included people who had a history of severe allergic reactions. People who we sat next to the entire 15 minutes with an EpiPen because they asked us to out of being 100% cautious because of their severe and varied reactions, not because of any fear of the vaccine. In fact, I never saw anyone who even had a reaction at all to the shot other than a sore arm in that 15 minutes.

It depends on the place, but if she’s worried about a reaction she can ask the person watching over people after the 15 minutes to either pay special attention or have a nurse accompany her. They’ll probably let anyone she knows in as a +1 to watch her with an EpiPen if she wanted to.


I get bad allergic reactions. I am severely allergic to iodine and shellfish. I got Pfizer shot on Monday and other than a sore arm, chills Monday night, and sleeping about 30 hrs between the shot and Wednesday morning, I have had no side effects.

Anytime I see anything about “Spring Break in Miami”, the photo/videos are 99.9% black people. I really don’t trust that the racist government of Miami isn’t just using the coronavirus as a new avenue to justify their racism towards African Americans.

COVID numbers in Ohio aren’t that different from those in Japan. If it were closer it would be a no-brainer, but the 15-hour plane flight feels too risky.

Yeah, like, there’s healthy room for skepticism if a Trump lackey is up there saying that the vaccine is safe and effective, but that’s not the only entity saying so.

Really? Maybe we consume very different media, but I heavily associate spring break in Florida with privileged white people.


I think you’d be ok on the flight.

The second most questionable thing about that headline is the placement of the ellipsis

Yup we are going to need boosters to cover mutant strains.