COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Got my jab scheduled about 3 hours away. Will probably use Amtrak for the 2nd dose.


Ya got questions about blood clots and hemorrhages?

Basically the cliffs are that they are rare, clots are more common in women (estrogen is dumb), hemorrhages are more common in men (Iā€™m like 90% sure on that), and while they are rare and more likely to happen as you get older, can happen to anyone.

Thatā€™s like spiking the ball at the one yard line.


I thought someone might say that, but the data on planes seems reasonably safe and those trains are pretty empty.

But why? Itā€™s an easily driveable distance, and youā€™re going to drive it for shot one. Upside seems basically non-existent.

Planes and trains areā€¦not the same thing? Planes have specifically and deliberately enhanced their ventilation so as to be remarkably well ventilated for a sealed aluminum tube. Trains, I honestly have no idea. Never looked into it. Maybe they have too? But I wouldnā€™t count on it.

Re AZ blood clots. @JohnnyTruant

Serious question. Your wife is still American, right?

Canā€™t she just pop down to Cali for the good stuff ? I assume they will let her back into Canada without much difficulty. To save on travel time/cost she could also drive down to Washington.

Last time Johnny had to go back to the US, he had to quarantine both directions.

If I were really afraid of a blood clot, Iā€™d do it. Not saying he should be.

The risk of car crash or meteor strike on the drive might be greater than that of a blood clot.

What has AstraZeneca said?

The company says there is no evidence of an increased risk of clotting due to the vaccine.

It said it had received 37 reports of blood clots out of more than 17 million people vaccinated in the EU and UK as of 8 March.

These figures were ā€œmuch lower than would be expected to occur naturally in a general population of this size and is similar across other licensed Covid-19 vaccinesā€, it said.

Professor Andrew Pollard, director of the Oxford vaccine group which developed the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab, told the BBC on Monday that there was ā€œvery reassuring evidence that there is no increase in a blood clot phenomenon here in the UK, where most of the doses in Europe [have] been given so farā€.

Paywalled, but not buying it. Clotting is a very complex system and I highly doubt you can simplify it this way.

Assuming you can get one in Washington before you can get one in Canada. If you drive to Washington, then the risk of travel is ~0 Iā€™d think.

You would just have to do 2 quarantines. but that should be simple (annoying, but simple).

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Someone hacked this dudeā€™s account considering he looks like he ate Jabba the Hutt.

This blood clot nonsense might go down and the single most damaging bad science media story of all time.

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Nah, vaccines = autism is undisputed GOAT and there is no way this is going to take it down.

Found a website called Color that repurposes day-of cancellations. Hit refresh for 20 minutes this morning and hours later, here we are.

First time Iā€™ve been to Gillette Stadium.


Whitlock is the WOAT talking head in sports.

Yes, even worse than Skip Bayless


Quoted from the WSJ article. Similar article w/o paywall linked below.

PƄl AndrƩ Holme, a professor of hematology and chief physician of the Oslo University Hospital who headed an investigation into the Norwegian cases, said his team had identified an antibody created by the vaccine that was triggering the adverse reaction.

ā€œNothing but the vaccine can explain why these individuals had this immune response,ā€ Prof. Holme said.

Norwayā€™s health authority cited the findings when announcing that it wouldnā€™t resume the vaccination.

A team of German researchers around Andreas Greinacher, professor of transfusion medicine at the Greifswald University Clinic, said Friday they had independently come to the same conclusion as Prof. Holme.

Irresponsible nonsense. Even if they end up being right, thatā€™s hot garbage.