COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

That’s besides the point. There are two options here.

  1. It’s good deplorables aren’t getting vaccinated
  2. It’s bad deplorables aren’t getting vaccinated

Now I get that in your mind it’s a mix of 1 and 2 (i.e. good and bad), but given your earlier post, I assumed that you thought it was mostly #1 (because if they die it’s on them).

That’s a fine position to have. All I’m saying is that it’s a bit more complicated than that (i.e., because if they die it’s on them).

Yeah that post was pretty emotionally-driven. Didn’t put any thought into it

No worries. I do that too.

I think you’re confusing Dole and McCain, and I’m also going to take this opportunity to lol @ tOSU.

Wow, my dad got jabbed at St Johns yesterday as well.

My second trip at Yankee Stadium was the most efficiently run public operation I have ever experienced in New York. Literally 5 minutes from getting in line I was waiting out the 15 minute allergy warning in the Legends Club. There was even street parking less then a block away! Would have been nice if they let you take a celebratory run around the bases but I guess you can’t have everything.


Nope - it was intentional - Dole had a badly injured right arm. When Bush died, he had to salute with the left hand:

The old soldier raised his left hand — a proper military salute is done with the right hand, but Dole lost use of it after he was badly injured in the war — and held it to his eyebrow. Well done, faithful servant, the salute seemed to say.

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I am your father


Whatddya know, two old GOP senators with arms that don’t work well.

Well Pops, seems to me if you can figure out how to post on an internet forum you should also be able to make your own vaccine appointments.

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Someone posted on my town’s FB page about having gotten his first jab yesterday at the town’s outdoor vaccination site, and complaining that the process “was neither smooth nor fast,” given that he waited almost an hour for the jab.

He’s being properly eviscerated in the comments.

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Dole had a messed up arm too. (Maybe just his hand. Also war injury.)

Roughly 1/3 of adults say they won’t get vaccinated. Will be a bit lower than that it practice, we will probably get to like 70 percent this time next year.

Going to be a bit more problematic then just let the deplorables die too (not directing this at anyone) as likely minorities and poor will skew light on vaccine uptake. I don’t have a good solution as asking vaccinated to keep lives on hold indefinitely isn’t tenable either

I was looking for a estimate of annual COVID deaths after widespread vaccine availability. And specificallly deaths among those who couldn’t get the vaccine for legitimate medical reasons and those who got the vaccine but died of COVID anyway.

Ah gotcha. Not smart enough to have a number there but I’d guess US society might accept a number as high as 50-75k a year for “normalcy” and that number may be low

sorta covid related:

This is the kind of stuff I was talking about wrt several months ago.


My county can’t do more than a couple of thousand per week. FU gov Wolf. Dem or not you are really fucking up

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I’m not a doctor either but it is my understanding there is roughly a billion other random pediatric viruses that can cause pneumonia.


Walmart uses that. Seems like a cool idea. I didn’t get any noticable amount of bleeding.