COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Newsom = fucking idiot.

Not good.

  1. Round them up in indoor arenas
  2. They can only leave once they are positive for antibodies plus two weeks.
  3. I guess treat the ones that get sick (tho Iā€™d rather say F em)
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This will half resolve over time naturally between natural infections and the vaccine working in practice. Hopefully the refusals skew younger. This crowd also isnā€™t going to abide by mitigation, so really not a lot to do besides continued pro vax efforts and they are going to take many years to get this he long tail (even in this thread I doubt many are willing to shield long term to protect the willful unvaccinated, count me out of that other than maybe virus levels stay high enough that masks are semi-permanent). Yeah, life will be a little bit riskier for the vaccinated, but given the vaccines appear very effective gonna just be another part of life.

I canā€™t imagine having to deal with a new baby in this kind of environment. Iā€™ll be fervently hoping that everything turns out for the best.

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In January I would have agreed with you. Now, in these rural areas? There shouldnā€™t be any more tiering, they are not filling their appointments. Itā€™s part of the reason our 7DMA for shots appears to have stalled.

Itā€™s still far more likely that itā€™s not covid then that it is covid, especially in a 3.5 month old.

The time that people like KSR go unvaccinated when they donā€™t have to is also a valuable and extremely perishable resource.

Iā€™m no dr but once they rule out flu and rsv, it seems like covid is probably >50% in the current environment. Still no word yet on his test result.

And the answer to vaccine hesitancy is pay people to get it and require it to fly. That should get the majority of rich and poor on board. There would have to be some exceptions to allow those who canā€™t get the vaccine to fly obviously.

Nah def lower than that right now. Flu and RSV basically donā€™t exist this year, that doesnā€™t move the needle much.

Maybe we could just load up JnJ dart guns


Moderna shot #1 is in the arm. Feels good, man.


Let them die

Iā€™m not going to judge you for that position.

But I think the argument is that those people will transmit it to those who either canā€™t get vaccinated or for whom the vaccine doesnā€™t work (itā€™s not 100%) and then some of those unobjectionable people will die.

I havenā€™t seen any estimates on how many of those people there would be with 50% of MAGA dipshits staying unvaccinated. But itā€™s entirely possible you may consider that an acceptable loss. All Iā€™m saying is that you should be cognizant of the entirety of the position you are supporting.

Covid test for little bear is negative.


These people are all about freedom of choice and they choose to let those who are around them and those who cannot get the vaccine to get sick and in some cases die because of a needle or two. To me thatā€™s morally unacceptable.

They feel exactly the same about the poor, homeless and people of color. They think that they chose to be poor and so nobody should care for them. Well, I feel the same for people who can healthily get vaccinated and refuse to do so. And yes that does include a number of my family members. I love them but simultaneously detest them for making such a decision.

The irony is that my mother doesnā€™t want the vaccine because she thinks enough people will get it that sheā€™ll benefit from herd immunity. She doesnā€™t get the fact that sheā€™s basically an upper-class version of the welfare cheats that she hates.


I know thatā€™s what they think.

But if your position is ā€œWell, itā€™s fine if they donā€™t get vaccinated. If they die, itā€™s on themā€, youā€™re ignoring completely that you are tacitly endorsing the collateral damage they will cause by being unvaccinated.

Just got the same done to me. Not sure if this is universal, but they had some weird-add circular bandaid that they did the shot through. Plus it was transparent, so you could see it fill up with blood after she pulled the needle out? Not sure Iā€™m a fan of that part.


Itā€™s a conflicting position to be in. Barring forced vaccinations, I donā€™t see anything getting through to them. Even Donald Trumpā€™s appeal to get it hasnā€™t moved the needle.

The old deplorables will do what they always do: benefit from the hard work and contributions of others while making none of their own.


Pfizer shot 1 in the arm as of last night, at the Ohio Stateā€™s St. John Arena. It was a Kroger pop-up clinic designed to jab 12,500 people over Friday-Sunday. Apparently these are all unused doses that have been reallocated from long-term care facilities. It took about 45 minutes to get through the line, but the process seemed reasonably efficient.

Woke up this morning with a sore arm and a very slight (possibly imagined) headache. Initially, I felt like Bob Dole, because it really hurt to even lift my arm above shoulder height. But some ibuprofen and moving around have downgraded it to a dull ache.

Overall rating, 4/5 stars. Iā€™m obviously thrilled to have gotten it, but it was pretty anticlimatic. Pop-up clinic opens back up April 8-11 for the second round, and I expect my rating of the second round to be 5/5 stars.