COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Keep us updated. Pulling for negative Covid and quick recovery regardless. Do not beat yourself up.


Yeah, I didn’t just quote you at random on it. My brother manages one too which is how I heard.

That really sucks

Was this guy the gadfly one that kept some stores when it went public or the other one or two (I don’t remember the specifics).

My son has been offered some GM spots but he really wants to stay put (His wife is the bigger earner and there is a good reason for them to stay local with her family. His current GM is angling for a bigger store so hopefully he gets it. Last time they said he was too young at 30.

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I think I remember what you’re talking about with one guy keeping some stores but I don’t think it’s this guy. This was the main guy afaik. His estimated net worth was over $600M. Seems like he could have found some very expert medical help or something.

The thing about the GM positions is that they dangle that carrot in front of everyone while asking for huge hours. It’s not a cakewalk job and takes a lot out of people, potentially for not much return if you can’t get to partner.

I agree with you. However when I see 50 appointments available for tomorrow it’s kind of hard to not sign up by “bending the rules.”

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It shouldn’t even be hard. We’re dealing with a resource that is both incredibly valuable and perishable. It’s way more important not to waste any than it is to get the proper rank ordering of recipients. If appointments are scarce, and they’re using up their product, sure, wait your turn. But if there’s any risk that any of this goes to waste? Go get it!

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If he actually makes an appointment there is a chance that he is the only dose out of a new vial and the other nine (in the case of Moderna) go wasted. So if you do the EV calc on wasted doses, making an appointment probably doesn’t help that much. The vaccine is good in the fridge and freezer long enough that with non-idiotic management, there shouldn’t be more waste than a fractional vial a day.

So I guess the most ethical solution would be to call that pharmacy and see if they have a waitlist for unused doses at the end of the day. Then camp out close by so when you get the call you can get there. If there are that many openings, then you’re a lock to get the call.

But if you don’t want to fuss with all of that, you (@KSR ) can just go get it. I won’t judge you.

The time of the people who administer the vaccine is also a valuable and perishable resource.

That’s what I think I’m going to do. Wife was more motivated and went this evening and they gave her jab right before closing.


I don’t know, man. That seems like kind of a stretch.

With that many unfilled appointments, do you really think they’re hiring extra people to give these vaccines? They’re probably just using whatever staff they have on hand who do the flu shots and what not.

I suppose if he gets in now, he might save some other vaccinator some time and effort in the future. But if this place is unfilled now, it will probably be unfilled when his turn comes around, so he could just go back then.

You’re outlining a scenario where there is zero downside to going in now compared to later.

Staff isn’t kept around to do flu shots in spring FYI

Yeah, that was why I said “and whatnot”. Pharmacies administer other vaccines also year round. Just got lazy, I should have been clearer.

Is future allocation of doses based partially on current usage, so people driving out from cities and suburbs to more remote places leads to urban areas getting a lower percentage of doses in the future?

Agreed. But it also lacks the specific upsides that you alluded to in your recent posts. The only upside is that he is protected. And his protection helps the community a bit. That is weighed against his discomfort about rule bending (that’s the downside, BTW, which one can certainly round to zero if one chooses). I’m not going to judge anyone for coming down on either side of that.

That may be. I don’t know myself, but perhaps someone else around here does.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has tested positive for coronavirus - two days after receiving his vaccination, according to the country’s health minister Faisal Sultan.

Khan is “self isolating at home,” Sultan wrote, in a tweet.

Pakistan has seen a sharp rise in coronavirus infections in recent days.

Got my first moderna shot about 21 hours ago. Got a sore arm when I push on it. Now I’m no doctor, but I’ve made a medical judgment. Don’t push on it.


Newsom really is a fucking idiot.

A bunch of states have already ended tiering TODAY, yet he thinks it might happen in 6 weeks for May 1st?

The demand for the vaccine is significantly below expectation at this point.