COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Chances seem slimmer than getting stung by a bee on the way to the vaccination (?) ergo, better to vaccinated in winter than spring, no time to waste?

TBF I’d be more worried by these murder hornets but probably best not to mention them

My sister has a bad bee allergy as well as a laundry list of other severe allergies. She always has an EpiPen with her, has had anaphylaxis more than once, etc etc. Her doctor wanted to test her for a specific allergy before clearing her for the vaccine. She got her second dose of Moderna last week and was totally fine other than the normal side effects.


I got my shot in WA and nobody asked anything other than my name and birthdate. Go get it if you can.


Do you have any kids? Then you’re a child care worker. Have you ever watched your relatives kids? Then you’re a child care worker. Have you ever seen any kids on tv? Sounds like you’re a child care worker to me.

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Oh yeah, just remembered after seeing SUB post, my sister-in-law has a bee allergy. She got Phizer and is fine.

eta: My wife telling me that her sister is allergic to a bunch of stuff. Her mom has allergies too and got Moderna. Her mom had some swelling at the shot location, but nothing serious.


I am staying home with the kid and not working. That counts right?

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Of course it does. Go get your shot. It would be different if this was January and you were bumping somebody. 20 open day of appointments in trump country? Yeah you’re not bumping anyone.


you hate to see it


California update:

Vaccines open to all approximately by 1st of May. Date not official, just a newsom estimate.

As far as the virus, not in as bad shape as Michigan and some other states. Hospitalizations are still on a downward trend, but test positivity rate has leveled off at 2% and the overall case numbers statewide are 5.8 per 100k per day. Two months ago that number peaked at >100.

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No. Tell her an ER doc has said that who knows ~100+ people who have gotten vaccinated, including at least one who I know has a bee allergy (my wife).


I’m really not okay with people playing loose with the facts to get to the front of the line.


Hey Atlantic, maybe consider Michigan opened up schools and sports and is now seeing a wave. But that would make your epidemiologist errrr economist Emily look bad. STFU.


I don’t understand your objection. The possibility of a variant-driven wave this Spring has been widely considered by health experts and MI is hardly the only place seeing numbers start to go back up over the past couple weeks. I don’t know who Emily is or what she did to make you mad, but she doesn’t appear to have contributed to that article.

You really dodged an AIDSfest there. You’re running good.

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Hey come on, this is America, the land of opportunity.


Our 3.5 month old likely has very early pneumonia. Flu and RSV tests were negative. We won’t have a covid test result until tomorrow sometime but it seems like a pretty good chance it’s covid. Our 4 year old also has a bit of a cough. I struggled to keep them at home with me for the past year but took them back to the babysitter 2 weeks ago. Not feeling great about that decision.


easy to feel guilty but know that you weren’t negligent and definitely aren’t alone in that kind of decision.


Yikes. Did you remember my son manages at TR?