COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

On Wednesday, Russia announced it had registered what it said was the world’s first animal-specific jab.

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Yesterday Washington said they will open up vaccines to anyone >16 on April 15th. I just got a text message saying I’m eligible! :tada: Now to the appointment things and to adjust my poll response. Mid 30s with some underlying things

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People understand what a conspiracy theory is and why it’s called that right?

Anyways, this article was a “fun” read.

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Agree whole-heartedly with this statement but are we to cease genomic surveillance too because who gives a shit how we got in this mess? And who cares what might be coming?

Here we are, this should change the topic, for at least a few posts

About one in five people have symptoms of long Covid five weeks after an initial infection and one in seven after 12 weeks, an Office of National Statistics (ONS) survey suggests.

It estimates that 1.1 million people were affected in the UK in the four weeks from 6 February.

About 20% of people said ongoing symptoms limited their day-to-day activities a lot.

RiteAid doesn’t have the updated eligibility guidelines, oh well they are probably booked up anyways. Signed up for a bunch of waitlists since I can’t find a single open spot nearby. Unfortunately I am “oncall” this week at work and realistically can’t drive several hours to a more rural area. Going to look to see what’s available for next week in those rural place though.


Pfizer says its vaccine is preventing 91% of coronavirus cases in the six months after people are immunised.

And a separate study shows even people in their 80s and 90s are producing impressive levels of antibodies after receiving both doses of the vaccine.

Only 63% of them, however, also produce the T-cells that help maintain those antibodies in the longer term.

So 90% of populations need to be vaccinated needed I guess, to reach the 70-85% herd immunity if T-cell protection wading in and out

I received my first dose at Island Drug on Whidbey Island yesterday, and don’t live on Whidbey. It seems like they’ve been getting and giving a lot of doses, and generally have a lot of available appointments. I think they usually open up their nest week slots on Sunday. Pfizer is what they’ve been administering.


My dad got his there yesterday. He said they were giving options on what vaccine you wanted? Seemed crazy to me but he said he chose Pfizer.


They didn’t give me any option, but I was there in the afternoon. They were cycling through a lot of people. I felt like I was at the highest risk of catching COVID during the 15 minute wait after the shot then any other time in the last year. The only option they gave me was Pfizer when I signed up for the appointment and that’s what they gave me.



I think that is a big part of the lab leak pushback. It’s associated with Trump so you’ll get instinctive push back just from that. Which is understandable but also regrettable.

My mother received her first dose at Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch in Wales yesterday. It seems like they’ve been getting and giving a lot of doses, and generally have a lot of available appointments. I think they usually open up their next week slots on Monday. Astra Zenica is what they’ve been administering.


It’s that, and I don’t even need to read the thread (FAMOUS LAST WORDS) to know it’s that.

Jab successful. Vaccine TR below.

Just incredibly relieved and super thankful at how easy the process was. I was technically eligible at midnight 4/1 but found out that where I get my primary care was allowing signups at noon yesterday (12 hours ahead of being eligible). Got right on at noon, F5’ed, and a few clicks later I had an appointment for 2:20pm today. Did the pre-check in online.

Got there today, parked in the parking garage which was free, walked in and told them my name. Also scheduled my 2nd dose on the spot. Was immediately sent over to two super friendly nurses. Got stuck and then directed to the waiting area where I was told to sit for 15 minutes. Waited the required time and walked back to my car. All-in maybe 25 minutes from getting out of my car to back in it.

Shoulder is sore but nothing to complain about. Obviously I’m still going to distance and mask up where I need to but I can already feel my blood pressure dropping from this initial period done.


Wife vomiting like she’s pregnant 6 hours after her second moderna vaccine…



Is it possible that she coincidently has a stomache bug?

Sure but that’d be an awfully big coincidence.

My wife was fine with the second Moderna shot, but I don’t think she vomited when pregnant either.

eta: Correction, she got Phizer.

Hell I threw up an hour before my first dose. But I drove 8 freaking hours and I wasn’t stopping. I was pretty sure it was gluttony and not a stomach bug.


Yeah we just got a birthday party invite from a parent at our school. School obviously has said explicitly not to do this. With just the handful of kids in the pod I could be convinced it was ok if they did something outdoors, masked, and distanced given that is school everyday anyways. But nah everyone over for food parents too. So now i get to be the bad guy and my already socially anxious kid gets left out. Everyone will be vaccinated in literally another month.

We had the same issues with vacations. They at least went remote for a week and don’t allow anyone on campus again without a negative test from tomorrow’s all campus testing and without being back in state for two weeks.

Hang in there.