Containment thread for 'I've had my Covid Vaccine!'

Great news! Some peeps have had vaccines.

Please post all your US informational stuff, RiteAid or other pharmacy appointments might be available / website crashed again / F5 F5 / fly somewhere else and get one (spread the variants) etc. here becuase it clogging the covid news thread. Thx

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I had my first dose 3 weeks ago (AZ - parp), 8 weeks til the next, GL me! (FML UK policy)

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JLD has been.

I’ve been half jabbed, 10 days since 1st Pfizer dose in so cal. Didn’t go through my Kaiser insurance, went through CVS website.

Congrats, according to UK ONS research (weekly / monthly antibody blood testing of vaccinated) you will have some antibodies to Covid tomorrow.

UK stating absolutely ZERO antibodies before 10 days after first dose (FYI - Pfizer or AZ only)


just got home from 2nd jab. phone isn’t any better but I now have Excel on my computer


I was kinda hoping it was Jobs not Gates on the 2nd update - daughter needed iOS for schooling and Dad here way too old to learn Apple!

GL pvn

Another UK ONS tidbit for anyone interested… wide study of side effects of Pfizer and AZ only…

Pfizer - side effects way more likely after 2nd rather than 1st dose, reported more in males than females and more in 40 - 60yr age range

AZ - more likely in younger (40 -60yr) people after first dose not second, more women than men with mild side effects

PVN using some English (UK) there.

A jab causes less damage than a shot, so there’s that for the anti-vaxxers

Got my 1st shot March 15th. Getting 2nd April 7th.


Fuck you Moderna and Johnson and Johnson punks.


Last week saw increasing transmission of Covid-19 in the majority of countries in the WHO European region - which includes more than 50 countries and extends from Greenland to the far east of Russia. There were 1.6 million new cases and close to 24,000 deaths, the WHO said.

Cases were rising in all but one age group, the organisation said.

Only 10% of the nearly 900 million people in the region have had a single dose of coronavirus vaccine.

I got Pfizer, and I am in the 40-60 bracket. First shot I had a little bit of soreness in the arm and that was it. This time I feel a little weird but I have been having really bad sinus issues from pollen etc so I think it’s all that and not the shot (though it’s only been 90 minutes).

My wife (same age) got the 2nd shot two weeks ago, she had zero effects after either dose.