COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

My mother received her first dose at Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch in Wales yesterday. It seems like they’ve been getting and giving a lot of doses, and generally have a lot of available appointments. I think they usually open up their next week slots on Monday. Astra Zenica is what they’ve been administering.


It’s that, and I don’t even need to read the thread (FAMOUS LAST WORDS) to know it’s that.

Jab successful. Vaccine TR below.

Just incredibly relieved and super thankful at how easy the process was. I was technically eligible at midnight 4/1 but found out that where I get my primary care was allowing signups at noon yesterday (12 hours ahead of being eligible). Got right on at noon, F5’ed, and a few clicks later I had an appointment for 2:20pm today. Did the pre-check in online.

Got there today, parked in the parking garage which was free, walked in and told them my name. Also scheduled my 2nd dose on the spot. Was immediately sent over to two super friendly nurses. Got stuck and then directed to the waiting area where I was told to sit for 15 minutes. Waited the required time and walked back to my car. All-in maybe 25 minutes from getting out of my car to back in it.

Shoulder is sore but nothing to complain about. Obviously I’m still going to distance and mask up where I need to but I can already feel my blood pressure dropping from this initial period done.


Wife vomiting like she’s pregnant 6 hours after her second moderna vaccine…



Is it possible that she coincidently has a stomache bug?

Sure but that’d be an awfully big coincidence.

My wife was fine with the second Moderna shot, but I don’t think she vomited when pregnant either.

eta: Correction, she got Phizer.

Hell I threw up an hour before my first dose. But I drove 8 freaking hours and I wasn’t stopping. I was pretty sure it was gluttony and not a stomach bug.


Yeah we just got a birthday party invite from a parent at our school. School obviously has said explicitly not to do this. With just the handful of kids in the pod I could be convinced it was ok if they did something outdoors, masked, and distanced given that is school everyday anyways. But nah everyone over for food parents too. So now i get to be the bad guy and my already socially anxious kid gets left out. Everyone will be vaccinated in literally another month.

We had the same issues with vacations. They at least went remote for a week and don’t allow anyone on campus again without a negative test from tomorrow’s all campus testing and without being back in state for two weeks.

Hang in there.


No vomiting but my second Moderna shot was pretty brutal.

Shot at 4pm Monday.
Woke up on Tuesday with a 102 fever and soaked sheets and splitting headache. Zombied all day. Went to bed in full winter gear, fever broke before midnight.

Still a little sore, no regrets.


Coworker got deathly ill on Pfizer. I never felt a thing from either shot, including the shot even going into my arm. Weird.

Can you refresh my memory on the travel rules that apply to Canadians coming to visit the US? I would have thought for sure going to Disneyland was not yet an acceptable reason.

lol travel rules. Florida has been promoting vaccine tourism for Canadians.

Wait, wat? I’ve heard of Canadians going down there for a jab, but I didn’t realize Florida was “promoting” it.

Promotion may be a bit strong a word, but afaik the only restriction for flying into the US from Canada is a negative test within 72 hours of departure.

What about driving?

Is it the same now going from U.S. to Canada?

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US land borders still closed to most non-citizens. Canada still closed to most non-citizens/residents for all recreational travel, land, sea or air. I think the Canadian Atlantic provinces also have their own domestic travel restrictions.

So a Canadian can’t drive from Montreal to NYC, but can fly from Montreal to NYC as long as he has a negative test 72 hrs prior to departure?

Ah… I must have missed that.

Correct. But if you’re a relatively affluent Canadian you can take a quick commuter flight from Montreal to Plattsburgh and then hop in your car that you paid a freight company to ship a couple dozen miles across the border for you.

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