COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Pregnant it is, then. Congrats!


Wow. Using services without paying taxes has to be against the law some how. Felon itt IMO.



You should take one of those home pregnancy tests. Just in case.

I have been nowhere near CN’s wife. Wrong reply to?

Besides his post is trying to be a subtle “had sex” brag.


PM: Vaccinated people cannot meet indoors as jab not 100% effective

Boris Johnson says two vaccinated people cannot meet indoors because the “vaccines are not giving 100% protection”, which is why “we just need to be cautious”.

The prime minister has answered questions from the public in a video on Twitter.

In it he says the government thinks vaccines do not entirely remove the risk of transmission of Covid-19.

Asked about whether you can play sport with more than six people he says you can play with as many people as you like as long as it is outdoors.

“The key thing is that it is outside because it is outside that we think is safer,” he says.

Good listen to calm some of the variant hysteria.

Experts have linked the surge to a growing number of Covid-19 variants detected in Canada. Dr Tam said on Tuesday that there had been a 64% increase in new variants in Canada over the last week alone.

The current variant spread is just the “tip of the iceberg”, she said.

Not sure why, but the Czech Republic refused to join into an agreement where countries behind on vaccines would get some from those who are ahead. It’s weird because the Czech Republic would be one of those countries that gets those extra vaccines. Now not only are they not getting those extra vaccines, they’re actually getting 70,000 fewer vaccines than they anticipated prior to the deal being made.

The closest thing to an explanation is that there was “no solidarity in the agreement being made”. I assume that means the Czech Republic wanted more extra vaccines than they were going to get. So now, they’re not getting any. No wonder why the party that once had a stranglehold on the upcoming election has fallen behind to the centrist coalition.

At least we aren’t the worst country in the world when it comes to covid cases anymore. Here’s the seven day rolling average. Now, we’re fourth in the EU (behind Hungary, Poland and Estonia) rather than being first by a lot as we were in February.

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For a different take

I’m at 3-4 out of 10 on level of concern. We have seen variants that seem to

Spread faster
More disease
Younger demo
Some level of immunity avoidance

Maybe some with properties of more than one.

I’m happy that immune avoidance so far does not seem a big deal (challenge for the virus to maintain strong spike protein binding while changing the antigen property).

My major concern is a continual background of high prevalence of infections meeting partially immune people which is the exact recipe for variant generation and selection.

Doesn’t help my stress level that I have a client using evolution and natural selection to identify improved yeast strains for a project. Just reminds me how powerful the evolutionary mechanism is.

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I mean, all the real world data so far seems to support that the MRNA vaccines are continuing to work great in all the places where the variants are widespread, so yeah, I think the people need to chill out about the variants and vaccines. The problem with the variants isn’t that they can pierce vaccine protection. The problem with the variants is that they are more contagious and deadly for the unvaccinated.

Whatever you think the level of COVID infections needs to be to permit schools to safely open, the level needed for indoor basketball should be much lower. It’s like on the dial of COVID severity, everything above a 5 is close all schools, and then 4 and below is YOLO. Maybe some ticks in between would be useful to have?


Yeah, this is worrying. In theory vaccinations should progressively make this less novel and less dangerous, but it’s still a worrying trend.

If it were up to me I don’t think I would even want facilities to have more than one type of the vaccine, just to minimize mistakes while trying to move as swiftly as possible.

Dear Penthouse,


I lost my appetite for like ten days, which is not something that happens lightly.


I bet there’s a hot story between those opening and closing sentences.


People should not socialise indoors with other households even if they are vaccinated, Boris Johnson has said.

"We’re still very much in a world where you can meet friends and family outdoors under the rule of six or two households.

"And even though your friends and family members may be vaccinated, the vaccines are not giving 100% protection, and that’s why we just need to be cautious.

“We don’t think that they entirely reduce or remove the risk of transmission.”