COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Rochelle needs to read up on the benefits of positive reinforcement.

The US hit about 4 million daily doses of vaccine today per WApo tracker. 7 day average up to 2.9 million. 102 million people in the US have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine, just shy of a third of our population. I think thatā€™s going to blunt the hospitalization/deaths of any fourth wave, because you have to figure that most of our really vulnerable have been vaccinated by now. 70 percent of those over the age of 65 have gotten at least one shot.

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lol amazing how our mayors are always ducking horrible

Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that?

Except that it makes zero sense?

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Good point.

Upon reading the article, the group responsible for the spike are young white adults, exactly the people who still arenā€™t eligible. However, the real reason they arenā€™t expanding eligibility is there is still plenty of backlog among higher priority groups.

Got Pfizer #2 yesterday at 1PM (around 23 hours ago).

Up and down during the night last night but nothing notable. Felt pretty blah when I woke up. As the morning progressed I felt shittier and shittier. My entire body aches, from my toes to my eyes. My temperature is around 100, my usual is more like 97.4. And massive brain fog and headache. No energy. Like somebody said earlier, I have all the symptoms of being sick without feeling sick exactly.

So yay immune system.


If thatā€™s the case, then the headline is horrible.

The bolded would be a good reason to not expand the eligibility.

This seemed to be the week when all the middle / upper middle class white folks I know in DC got tired of waiting on the city and decided to drive long distances to get shots in other jurisdictions. MD, PA, OH, if you had a small town CVS with next day appointment availability, the Beltway wfh class was coming for you.

Somewhat ironically (in the Alanis Morisette sense), at least half of the people subsequently received emails from the DC gov the next day saying that they had been selected in the pre-registration lottery and could go ahead and schedule a local appointment.

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This guy drove from Philly burbs to small town Ohio. Guilty as charged. Though PA is still on 1A (and Iā€™m 1A) and Ohio is open to anyone 40+ and maybe 18+ now.

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Those two nurses only had one cup.


If you want to know how variants are spreading round the USā€¦



No reason to be a dick, and wrong too


Principal Skinner: Could it be the conservative covid skeptics who hate masks, wonā€™t stay home, and wonā€™t get vaccinated who are responsible for spreading the new variants?

No, it is the people who want to get vaccinated who are at fault


At least skinner actually believed in what he says

Basically like covid but not covid.

Iā€™m sure travel spreads the covidā€¦read it somewhere
