COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

LOL at doubling down on this. Jesus Christ.


Welp, entire family I know (3 kids ranging from 5-16, both parents) tested pozz thanks to two of the kids traveling by vehicle with another family to a school sporting event 2 hours away, and then spreading it to the entire household. Cool.

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Havenā€™t heard a lot about a backlog but from a couple of anecdotal examples from the past week it seemed like it wasnā€™t too hard to get a vaccine. My parents have shot #1 of Pfizer at Swedish Covenant in the next hour


Iā€™ve been told children wonā€™t spread this disease, tho.


I was all cued up to take a train for shot #2, but now Iā€™m driving because the Amtrak schedule doesnā€™t work and my pharmacy doesnā€™t have a provision for rescheduling.


Yes all travel is the same, whether itā€™s a car with 2 different families going to a sporting event or a car with a person going to get a vaccine


Are you trolling, or are you so uninformed about this subject that you think what was said there supports the baseless hypothesis you were peddling earlier?

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Porque no los dos?


I think every other first world country in the is limiting internal travel through fear of spreading the unknown but now realise this is an alien concept in the US

US news must be full of school bus drivers dying after 15 mins at the wheel. Genomic surveilance has improved so much over the pond, infections can be tracked back to vehicle rides. Must have been the first time those kids been in a car for months ;)

Do we know whether the carā€™s internal fans were on recirculate or whether any windows were openā€¦ surely we can learn from this



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itā€™s always interesting to me how petty someone can be in reaction to, correctly, being told that they were wrong.

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What the shit does any of this have to do with someone driving to get vaccinated?


Iā€™m rubber youā€™re glue

Since 18 Dec 2020 (since the new variants)

England 29 March:

  • The rule of six returned, along with new measures meaning two households (no more than six people) can meet outdoors, including in private gardens
  • The government drops the stay-at-home message and instead encourages people to stay local

Scotland 26 April

  • Scotland will come out of lockdown and into a ā€œmodified Level 3ā€
  • Six people from up to three households can meet outside
  • Travel restrictions across the country will end

got an appointment for j&j next week. pretty excited.


Do we have any other J&J folks here? I donā€™t think there have been many if any yet. Good to see that it is getting out to regular people.

Tripling down now!

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I kind of think in the US it is being used for hard to reach populations. My 95 year old homebound grandmother got J&J (at home).

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