COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Yeah, and I think someone posted an article here about giving it to the homeless, which is a good idea, but I also am in favor of shots in arms, so more shots of more kinds available to more people is good.

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So with 4 million shots given today, and 101 million Americans vaccinated total, it seems like Fauciā€™s long ago prediction of general vaccine availability by sometime in April turned out to beā€¦ pretty spot on? Fauci GOAT. Wasnā€™t it like sometime last year that he was making that prediction?

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Thanks all. Much appreciated.

Well, heā€™s travelling dontchaknow.

Lol the school in my suburban town had to cease their reopening and resume full online due to a lack of bus drivers after so many were pozzed. And now at 2 day per week they are having a difficult time finding enough drivers to meet their goal to reopen before May for 5 day per week.

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Got my firsty about 36 hrs ago. Pfizer (I think?) and slept semi-shitty with sore-ish shoulder but basically all good. Waited only about 30ish hours to have some wine. Will try to report if that causes the Rona.


First shot of Moderna yesterday. Feel great, zero ill effects outside of a slightly sore shoulder. And even that I rarely notice.


Are you not supposed to drink post-vaccine? Because Iā€™m definitely currently drinking a beer 28 hours after 1st shot.

Alabama opening to everyone 16+ on Monday, already got scheduled for Wednesday first available. Looked like hundreds of appointments open at the rural county seat location Iā€™m going to.


The only restriction Iā€™ve heard is you shouldnā€™t take NSAIDā€™s in the lead up to gettting the shot, because it could blunt your immune response.

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Just an absolutely jaw dropping exchange I had with the town idiot. He believes in chem trails/covidā€™s fake. I donā€™t even know what point or gotcha heā€™s trying to get at.


Man, how quickly the tables turn.

Six months ago, I was safe in relatively covid-resistant Japan while my Ohio-based family was grasping for survival in the corona death zone.

Today, they are all fully vaxxed or at least on shot #1 and safe, even my sisā€™s teenage kids, while Iā€™m still vulnerable and months away from sniffing the vaccine.

Happy for all you guys but pretty damn depressed at how much longer I am going to need to continue to wait this thing out.


Maybe you should drive to Ohio. Just donā€™t spread the Rona along the way.


Exactly my experience.

The second Moderna shot looks rough. Might end up missing a day of work since I get the shot Thursday afternoon.

I could have gone to work after getting my second Moderna shot, but it wouldnā€™t have been fun.

OK so I didnā€™t take Tylenol or Advil for a while before the second shot. I still havenā€™t 18 hours after the shot, wanting to let my body do the heavy lifting. But boy do I feel like crap. Someone please tell me Iā€™m a moron and to take a pain reliever.


Saw my doctor today for a physical, and he said it was Ok to take Tylenol after 12 hours


Saw the Fort Worth Star Telegram on a newsstand today and it said ā€œDallas/Fort Worth will have herd immunity by June, Experts sayā€.

I was like, ā€œI donā€™t know about that?ā€

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Chicago mayors are like Chicago quarterbacks. Never going to throw for 4000 yards.

The car spread the disease obviously.

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