COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

No kids

Hard to imagine a lot more than 50%

Sounds like we might get older kids by the end of the summer.

Think we are going to be right around that 60 mark if we do.

WA moved up 16+ eligibility to april 15th. searching for open appointments before then is already kinda a shitshow.

i would take the j&j. the qa story actually sounds like they have a good group auditing new production and they did their job. not concerned

I voted 70-80%. No one thought back in January Biden would get 200 million doses let alone 100 million in the 1st 100 days.

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my answer is 60-70%, assuming adults only as the denominator.

Disagree. Just about everyone thought a hundred million doses in the first hundred days was sandbagging. That’s why he quickly revised upwards to 150 milly, and I don’t think 200 milly is all that shocking. It’s consistent with the roughly linear increase in doses per day that we’ve been seeing since January.


Good NPR segment on the lab leak hypothesis:

Covid illiterate person here.

So in California study of 4167 healthcare workers, only 7 people got infected once they were 15 days out from their 2nd jab. How does that square with 90 or 95% efficacy rates of the vaccines? Seems much better than that from those numbers?!

That sounds okay, but seems kind of irrelevant since not much time could have passed since their vaccinations. I’m assuming there’s some kind of time frame that the efficacy rate is supposed to cover, and whatever that is, we ain’t there yet.

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The efficacy rate is based on how the unvaccinated person would fare. So if the vaccine is 90% efficacious, then 70 workers would be infected if they were not vaccinated instead of the 7 that actually were infected.


Ahh, got it, thanks

To answer we need a control group. Like if they had a control of 4167 healthcare workers who didn’t get vaccinated and 140 of those people got COVID during the same time period then we could say it had 95% efficacy.

Anyway I understand that even for the vaccinated who get COVID, the risk of getting symptoms so bad you would go to the hospital is close to zero once you’re a couple weeks past your second jab, and really low even 15 days past your first jab

Honestly I am starting to believe in global conspiracy nonsense. It makes zero sense there are not dozens and dozens of vaccine manufacturing facilities being built right now all over the world. There is no excuse. It’s literally more important than anything else on earth.

Yeah but its hard. The people with money and power in the West are not accustomed to doing hard things.

What is China up to in this? They are probably the most likely to be able to quickly build vaccine production facilities and get them cranking out shots.

Money is utterly meaningless. Patents are utterly meaningless. Other regulations are utterly meaningless. Supply chains are utterly meaningless.

All of that is just a choice not to do it. It makes zero sense.

What you are proposing is bold action. The West is run by incrementaliats.


Supply chains are never meaningless and Donald Trump was there to guarantee were were at square -1 on January 20th.

If there’s been one easy rule of thumb during this pandemic it’s that nearly all of the avoidable suffering has been, since the beginning, Donald Trump’s fault.

At least you guys got rid of the prick

You definitely dont want to do a deep dive into our media over the last few months wrt the UK/EU and vaccinations.

It’s the 1st time in months I’ve checked this thread… To Everyone who posts here, I give a big thanks and for any good stuff I’ve missed my :heart: is to all.

It’s kinda hard to read this when your in the wild.

My heads also broke wrt Covid-19 @clovis8 it’s just so depressing. :disappointed: