COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Not supposed to be groups larger than 2 unless it’s a family. Lot of non-mask compliance.

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This seems not smart:

But I’m not sure I can think of anything better. Thoughts?

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Now that’s a nominee

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Someone update the herman cain “come join us Sarah” gif please.


In Japan, vaxxing of the elderly is set to begin this month and be completed by the end of August. Then the rest of us plebs will finally get our shot at a shot sometime in autumn.

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150000 people die in the world a day (pre Covid). Tens of millions have been vaccinated.

There are simply going to always be people who got vaccinated recently who died from something that has nothing to do with the vaccine.

Johnson and Johnson has been cut off.

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Oh for fuck’s sake.

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Jesus Christ. Did they catch it before they administered?

From the article:

It does not affect Johnson & Johnson doses that are currently being delivered and used nationwide. All those doses were produced in the Netherlands, where operations have been fully approved by federal regulators.

How the fuck do you ruin 15 million? Like that’s got to be a lot of different batches, right? Thank god for Pfizer and moderna. I think we will have enough just with those two. But come on.

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Least shocking news ever is that Sarah Palin got covid.

Most shocking news ever is it taken Sarah Palin not getting Covid for a year.



I was thinking the same thing. You would think quality control would be kind of important in this type of endeavour. I think a more detailed explanation is required.

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It was caught in quality control before the doses were sent to another facility to be filled and finished. The FDA has not yet given an EUA for doses produced at this plant and the batch has been described as part of a test run, so there was probably never any danger of this going into someone’s arm.

This just doesn’t feel like something to be worked up about.

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Think you’re vastly underestimating the success of the j&j vaccine. Doing this well under this much time pressure is still very impressive.

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Mom got dose #1 on Saturday, really infuriating how badly the DMV area is at distributing these vaccines.


Went and changed my vote to under two weeks since second shot. Planning on going out to the race track here at the end of next week.

What percentages of U.S. population will have received at least one COVID vaccine shot by September 1, 2021?
  • Less than 40
  • 40-50
  • 50-60
  • 60-70
  • 70-80
  • More than 80

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