COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

These fucking people going to single-handedly reinfect NYC


4,457 new cases in the Czech Republic yesterday.

Czech Republic has had more cases per 100,000 in the last 14 days than any other country in the EU.


It’s familiar from your discharge papers?

Bull. He was going to die anyway. That’s not murder, it’s just nature.

What are you doing to take care of yourself?

Damn you guys started off so well, sorry to hear that.

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A new Titan player after a couple days of negs and now the Patriots are up to 3 players.

Have fun Roger you dumbass.

Today’s The Daily podcast talks about the future of COVID. The doctor they have on is extremely optimistic and believes that we will have 3 approved vaccines by the new year and enough vaccines by late spring early summer 2021.

Bobby dad gum Bowden was joking around about having Covid “just like Trump!” the other day, now he’s in the hospital. Not good at all :/ ironically he caught it while previously in the hospital for something else.

Yeah, was a REALLY good idea to play that Chiefs game Monday night.


My family is having a thanksgiving get together this weekend and I really really torn about going. It’s 5 families getting together. About 12 people.

On one hand covid is getting worse. On the other mental health is also getting worse.

Don’t know what to do. This sucks so bad.

You’re continuing to struggle I guess. It might be better to book more sessions with your therapist and do skype/zoom with family. Go out for long walks when the weather allows too.

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You know what to do.


Figure out if there is a setting that you would be comfortable in i.e. eating outside. If there isn’t, then it’s a no. If there is, kindly recommend your ideal setting and go from there.

There are other people thinking the same thing you are and you can give them permission to speak up by speaking up. Worst case scenario you don’t go but make it better for those who do.

Take control of the situation. You know what to do. Most of the people we imagine are going to be a problem will follow your lead if you do it the right way.


Italy imposes mandatory face masks outdoors

Italy has made it mandatory to wear face masks outdoors nationwide in an effort to reduce rising Covid-19 infections.

Italy has seen a steady increase in new cases in the last two months, although its numbers are still much lower than those recorded in other major European countries such as France, Spain and Britain.

The cabinet also approved a decree to extend the Covid-19 state of emergency to 31 January, a cabinet source said.

My school is closed for two weeks. So I’m teaching from home. It’s pretty likely that it’ll be closed for longer than that.

I was just starting BJJ class and then this huge flare up occurred. So, I discontinued that. I’m starting Czech courses tomorrow. Of course, masks will be compulsory there.

I have to have some socialization to maintain my sanity but also have to keep myself away from others. After the lockdown, I was having anxiety attacks anytime I went outside due to my mack of interaction with people. I recently started seeing a therapist for help with a few things and I hope that will help.

Politics took over (and is still taking over) when it came to making decisions. The ruling coalition knew that more restrictions earlier would reduce voter turnout for the election and piss of a lot of people in areas where they have the most support. So, they held off on making restrictions that they should have made and talked down covid like it was nothing. While people in Prague are taking this seriously, most people outside of it have a much more cavalier approach to masks and don’t really give a shit about them.

Finally, the incompetent, unqualified Minister of Health resigned and has been replaced by somebody who is actually qualified for the job. Unfortunately, he’s running into a lot of political pressure to stop doing what he thinks is necessary. Now, there is a lot of compromise between political interests and public health which is an improvement from when nobody gave a shit about the latter for an entire summer.


I made it clear months ago that I didn’t think Thanksgiving and Christmas get togethers would be possible this year, and that I would not be attending even if they tried. I have gone out of my way to reiterate this point frequently since then.

Don’t wait for some other bonehead in your family to start making holiday plans. Get out in front of this and shut it down preemptively.


Have Thanksgiving in November like real Americans. By then the trump vaccine will be sprayed on everyone via drones.

says the guy whose entire heritage is by way of Canada

The committee is getting worn out. Another good winnar-

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So which Democrat is going to lose to the dead guy?