COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I think optics in regards to masks helps convincing people to wear them. Trumps doctors wore masks when doing a press conference outside, cuomo and his buddies can wear masks inside a little more to at least make it look like they are taking this very seriously


lol at defending politicians from criticism because they’re on your side of the political scope or whatever. Cuomo has killed people in NY because of some of his fuck ups, you don’t have to defend him on this forum because he’s liberal


Not worth getting deep into this one, but I feel like Cuomo has to be like the thousandth in line on the list of politicians that need to be crucified for their support of mask compliance.


I’m not. I’m specifically attacking whatevs for his shitty posting. He’s like the Bill Maher of this forum, always making obvious points, offering zero insight while being frequently wrong, but always negative. Like here, he said Cuomo was saying 6 feet is fine, but Cuomo wasn’t, Cuomo was saying what the rule was and defeating to his fucking experts who were literally sitting at the table with him. Like, if it was a one off comment, fine, but that is all whatevs ever posts, and tonight I’m just fucking sick of it.

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Look, we’ve known for awhile it spreads indoors wherever the air can flow

And we have a hard enough time educating people on that fact.

We also have a hard enough time educating people that you can be contagious for 1-2 days before testing positive (so daily test before briefing doesn’t mean people aren’t contagious).

We also have a hard enough time educating people that you won’t show positive for about 5 days after exposure so negative tests right after exposure don’t mean you are in the clear.

When people in public positions like Cuomo muddy the waters or gloss over those things in favor of what the politicized CDC is saying, they kill people.

Everybody needs to be held accountable for consistently messaging the truth based on what epidemiologists know at all times. Anybody who doesn’t is complicit.


No way

He has taken up the mantle of “the responsible politician” which means anything bad he does kills more people than random politicians.

He’s behind trump and a dozen of his henchmen, but he’s pretty much next on the list after those assholes because he is so front and center.

If you are gonna run NY and you are gonna do daily press conferences and act like you are looking out for the general good, then you need to rise to that occasion. If you don’t, you will get called out for it (which is much less of an issue than the actual deaths his misinformation causes)


I think his argument is that I’m so popular and influential that he needs to push back against my obvious yet subversive takes, lest the Republic fall.

Is that what a minor post criticizing him on this forum is?

I mean Kayleigh does press conferences with no mask and look at that she has covid and could’ve risked people at the conferences, if cuomo or one of these people get it and spread it to others then what. It’s not completely unfair to make a mild criticism regarding that on unstuck politics dot com


Paging @moderators this thread has come down with a mild* case of AIDS.

*mild in the words of Dr Conley


I mean, saying that he falls just behind Trump “and his henchmen” on the issue of masking is simply ludicrous. That isn’t really minor criticism, imo. There are like 20 states or something without any kind of universal mask orders. I don’t even love Cuomo, never voted for him despite being a lifelong New Yorker. Suggesting that people wear masks through their pressers is totally fine. Suggesting that Trump and Cuomo are #1 and #2 overall in terms of killing people by trying to keep them from wearing masks is just…yah.

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You’re articulating the points re: Cuomo I wanted to make much better than I was. watevs just sets me off because every single one of his posts is structured in that same idiotic framing.

I wonder how many politicians in other countries are doing maskless pressers

I dunno? Randomly googled “macron press conference” in a google video search over the past month and the first result is something from 9/27 apparently about a situation in Libya if my French serves me, and he isn’t wearing a mask. Definitely done though since this is pretty dumb and nobody really disagrees outside some hyperbole so yeah, my bad for getting sucked in.

This is now the 4th post where you’ve brought up my name, no one is talking to you about me, no one gives a shit, you look dumb as fuck defending Cuomo, give it a rest. For the sake of the forum I’m putting you on ignore and I suggest you get over whatever weird issue you have and do the same. Or maybe they’ll give you the Nobel for saving the world from my posts, good luck.

lol brah

Watevs try being a little less aggressive when making your point

Does anyone here really even disagree with him other than the edgelord shit? Have been skipping that shit mostly. Like, a Biden/Bernie poll here would go overwhelmingly Bernie? I’d bet that anyway.

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I disagree with his apparent stance that any Democrat to the right of Bernie is an establishment Dem.

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Establishment Dems were spending money this fall trying to get other establishment Dems like Kennedy elected because the others were too far left yeah?

Six feet was based on this virus spreading through respiratory droplets, but not airborne through aerosolized particles.

Further, even for droplets, studies have shown it’s more like 8 feet for talking, and up to 20-25 for yelling, coughing or sneezing.

If you’re in an enclosed space with someone without a mask, 6 feet is a joke based on what we now know.

The problem is that the media and governments hammered 6 feet based on the best science available in early March, and it stuck. Now everyone believes it’s rock solid.

It’s probably like 1 in 1,000 people but I do have a friend who can’t wear one. It triggers a claustrophobic like response. She is very pro-science and locking down hard, and she uses a facial shield when she has to be near others. She would love to be able to wear one but she literally has like a panic attack.

Regarding the series of things you mentioned, and others, we are in desperate need of a national reeducation on COVID. Like we need to sit the entire country down for 10 minutes to watch a brief COVID education video. It would save tens of thousands of lives.