COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

the boys


I’m just sick of whatevs posting. As I said, he comes in with half-assed shitposting that is frequently wrong, but a lot of people let it slide because he’s wrong in a direction that most people agree with. I think it brings down the threads he posts in and am tired of it. He is literally indistinguishable from a Russian troll. He’s not even funny about it.

Or Cobra Kai

Is Sklansky advocating for something like beds being reserved for the rich or they just kick them out when one shows up?

Well, I find you indistinguishable from a #Resistance troll on twitter. Found any Russian trolls on this forum to compare my posting to? Or are you just kinda being mildly racist Maddow style and blaming the woes of the world on some foreign country?

I enjoy the he admit it / mask off moment you had earlier in this thread, where you said that you dislike my posts because I criticize the politicians that least deserve it. You were wise to duck my follow up where I asked you which Iraq war criminals and big donor beholden healthcare deniers you were talking about.

Your entire sense of who the good and bad guys are is in lockstep with the MSNBC narrative, and you’re mad because you’re jolted out of your little bubble. Sad.

It’s also hilarious to imply that I get a pass on this forum because I post things that most people agree with. I’m pretty sure that I have about 3 allies on the forum here and the rest are shitlibs like you that cry when someone mentions the fact that Joe Biden lied about his role in the Iraq War and the civil rights movement

He’s essentially describing the state’s policy on reopening businesses. It seems to work reasonably well when followed

I mean, he’s listening to his scientists, they’re just wrong. It’s not great, but it’s nowhere near Trump.

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Wait so in NY you don’t have to wear a mask indoors in public if people can be 6 feet apart?

The former Pence aide and member of the Coronavirus Task Force was interviewed on the NewsHour tonight and her home office features a framed picture of Fauci on the wall like he’s the freakin’ Pope!

I approve this message.


They aren’t hugging and kissing, but using tests instead of masks is exactly what they are doing in the White House. And I didn’t mention Trump at all to start. I just said that the Governor of New York is a dangerous moron.

No, that’s definitely not the rule in NY. In NY you have to wear a mask when entering any business.

I would like to see exactly when and where the NY scientists said that this behavior was fine. Because it’s clearly not. Can we all agree on that? I guess some of you are making this weird argument that Cuomo needs to play politics or sometihng, but can we at least agree that its fuckin stupid? It doesn’t seem like we do agree, tbh.

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Not exactly. Customers have to wear masks. Employees have to wear masks when interacting with customers or when 6 feet away from anyone. You can see the policy as it pertains to one type of business here:

Some places also have rules about reduced capacity.

I get that my bar is low because Trump, but I agree with the comment that a politician who listens to scientists is fine. If those scientists are wrong he needs to hire better scientists I guess.

Exactly. So this 6 foot rule for the press conferences held indoors is complete bullshit. Testing every day or not. Plus they should be setting an example.

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Yeah, it’s clearly not ideal. His own DOH people are always at those press conferences. He always has scientists at those press conferences. Those scientists are also not wearing masks.

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Right, this. I don’t want fucking Cuomo going rogue and making recommendations based on his own hunches or the suggestions of randos on the Internet. And if you expect him to undermine his health officials like that in the middle of a pandemic your expectations aren’t worth taking seriously. But the greater point with whatevs is that he never posts anything constructive, only shitpoating taking pot shots at liberal politicians and fomenting anger.

I’m not disagreeing with you. Again, I’ll concede that maybe my bar is really low because i just watched the president of the United States who is Covid+ purposefully expose his staff.

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We have lots of data that says 6 feet is not ok.

CDC today even finally posted saying you can get it from further than 6 feet.

He’s hiding behind politicized versions of science when he knows full well that it spreads more than 6 feet indoors.

It’s the same as when schools don’t notify parents of kids in a classroom with an infected person if their desk wasn’t within 6 feet.

It is just plain dumb and doing shit like this just eliminates any hope of 90% of Americans understanding that you need to do more than just stay 6 feet apart.


You must really hate me if you’re going to call criticism of Cuomo sitting indoors maskless during a pandemic as a “pot shot at a liberal politician”


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