COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

I’m not one either. It is inherently obvious being in confined spaces with people sans masks for any significant period of time is pretty much how this thing spreads.

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Your posting is indistinguishable from a Russian troll, you provide zero value to this forum. You have never posted anything constructive or thought provoking, or funny in the slightest. All you do is criticize the politicians who deserve criticism the least among the field of politicians. Again, fuck off.

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Just to circle back, the original post was about how Cuomo was a moron for thinking you could be inside 6 feet apart no mask and be safe 8 months into a pandemic, and the defense is he’s not a “fucking epidemiologist” and to wear the mask would be “undermining his experts”.

Got it

Oh am I being too mean to the poor little politicians who bombed Iraq and lied about it? Or are you referencing the ones that won’t give healthcare during a pandemic? Gtfo kid

You aren’t the governor in the middle of a pandemic and you aren’t in the middle of a press conference. Again, it’s really fucking stupid fornobvuous reasons to just throw your experts under the bus whenever a journalist puts you in a tough spot.

He should have figured this out long before now. Any of us would have answered it isn’t safe. I guess I assume he should be studying this stuff at least as much as the average UPer.


On the one hand, I hear what you’re saying.

On the other hand, it’s not like he’s having a press conference with rando MAGAs. He’s having a press conference with his staff members who I assume are regularly tested and are taking lots of steps to reduce their risk of getting positive in the first place. I haven’t been watching the press conferences as much lately, but I think the journalists are typically masked. So that seems like a reasonably safe set of conditions.

But agree it’s bad to say that six feet no mask is safe as a broader rule.

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frequent testing and no masks is the white house strategy but i guess its cool if cuomo does it

Uh, his opinion was wrong. I wasn’t talking about the fact that six feet is some magic barrier. Cuomo wasn’t saying that it was perfectly fine to be six feet apart, he was saying that’s what their rule was and that if the rule changed, he would follow that. Whatevs is again distorting things less-than-perfect linden politicians say to foment unwarranted ager toward them, which is something he does very selectively. I mean, as Cuomo said in the video, everyone at that table were being tested daily. Whatevs ignored that, too. He’s leaving out context to make these people seem worse than they are. That type of posting is a net negative on this forum, and he can fuck off.

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The six foot rule was obviously made for people who for some reason want or need to not wear a mask. So they were given a distance that would protect them in most but not all as not to be too onerous. That is completely common sense. But the distance danger is clearly some sort of continuous curve. Thus for those who don’t have a good reason to not wear a mask it is obvious that you are subjecting them to at least some small risk if your advice assumes that the expert’s guidelines will always be good enough.

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it’s not distorting anything to say that the governor of new york is a dangerous moron for holding press conferences indoors with no mask, and that his justification is not rooted in science.

also i provided a photo of the event along with a transcription of the relevant events

stop being a mad ■■■■ Viridian, though I’m a little worried you’re having a stroke right now

Cuomo has come out looking soooo much better than he has handled this pandemic in reality thanks to the bar being set at better than Trump




In the alternate reality where HRC won he’s the villain of the pandemic because a few thousand extra people died in NYC because he waited a week longer than he should have to close down. He’s being used as an example of everything wrong with our rule by Hillary’s opponent right now. The attack ads are everywhere. What an asshole.

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Nobody has a good reason to not wear a mask. GTFO. This forum would be much better if you stayed 6 feet away from it.

y’all getting pretty riled up about something relatively minor because…

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All the posters he wanted to interact with on 2p2 moved here. What was he supposed to do? (I’m definitely not one of those posters lol)

Yeah, every single sentence is wrong.

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What am I supposed to be watching right now?

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I don’t think it’s very minor that the governor of new york is suggesting that people can be indoors, 6 feet apart with no mask, and still be safe.