COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

The judge in that case is 41 years old. That’s just great.

Measured in these terms, currently India’s overall number of coronavirus cases per capita since the outbreak began stands at 3,511 per million, which is lower than the global average of 3,726. The US and Brazil have far higher per capita infection rates, at 19,697 and 20,372 respectively.

What I’m getting at is these people always seem to change their tune when they’re in ICU. But short of that, there doesn’t seem to be a way to get them to take this seriously. And if it just affected them it wouldn’t be a big deal, but it affects all of us when they refuse to wear masks or social distance. I’m tired of us all suffering and being held hostage by these people.


See my request up thread of anyone that pozzes.

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Wishing death and harm on people remains shitty even if they are stupid.

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I don’t disagree, but it’s kind of a trolley problem, no? If 10 people getting and suffering through Covid ends up saving 1,000 lives, was it worth it?

It’s the asymmetrical nature of this view is the problem.


Coronavirus news: Pa. Gov. Tom Wolf’s restrictions unconstitutional

41 year old trump judge.

This isn’t some abstract thing. These are real people. If you were like me and have seen dozens of people die of this personally, you wouldn’t have this position.

I know you’ve seen this up close, but aren’t these people just extending the pain for all of us? We could get this thing under control in 6 weeks if everybody would just comply with masks and social distancing. And it doesn’t appear that these people will respond to anything other than this effecting them personally.

I’m not going to extend this out any further because I appreciate what you do and know you’re closer to it than I am. I’m just super salty that these people are going to insist on doing the stupidest thing for as long as possible to make sure we have the worst possible outcome.

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One group of people dying isn’t going to cure stupidity in the USA. Stupidity will find a way.


It seems Dewine has pretty well caved to the pressure from the batshit right in Ohio. Now businesses can shovel lives into the capitalism machine without fear of getting sued.

Add another governor to the ‘belongs in jail’ list for setting up criminal negligence and reckless disregard for human life.

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Be as safe as you can. I really don’t want to be the UP posterboy for taking risks and resuming normal activities, but I do think it’s time to start asking ourselves how long we can go financially and expecting this to get worse before it gets better and to last 7+ more months.

Do you have N95s?

Yeah, same here. I didn’t think it’d get this bad AND with this big of a movement to YOLO and open everything up.

Right, like at this point I’m convinced that every advance will just lead to more re-opening and trying to keep cases flat to slowly burn through it as if there’s no chance of ever getting a vaccine. Until we have enough advances to have stadiums full of people without masks and R0 < 1, we will not get this under control.

Each and every one of us will have to be lucky to avoid COVID-19 infections at this point. If you can’t work from home for another 7+ months you will have to go back out at some point I think, and then it’s a roll of the dice.

I cannot emphasize enough how tired I am of this as well, and how angry and frustrated it makes me. We are trying to swim across a river, and 35% of this country is like a bag of rocks tied around one of our legs.

I’m not quite risking death and harm on people, but it’s sort of like if we can have X death and harm in Y months, but X is basically a constant, I’m ready for Y to be as low as possible.

Or another way of putting it, if someone’s shooting at you, you run and hide somewhere safe if you can, right? But if they’re going to keep shooting at people, you’re hoping they get got, right? That’s what’s happening here.

Just in case anyone missed this, the point Dan is making here (I’m 99% sure) is that the 35% of the country that is refusing to take precautions is causing death and harm and also likely wishing it upon us for being (in their view) anti-American socialists.


This is, for all intents and purposes, the same liability shield that you’re on the record as supporting Democrats caving to federally in exchange for an extension of CARES through mid-November.

This is, for all intents and purposes, the same liability shield that many of us said would cost us more lives than no aid, which you then called us gross monsters for.

Are you admitting that you were wrong about that?

I think there’s at least some argument that the more widespread state level bills are, the better caving on federal level would have been. I also thought holding the line was better at the time, but it seems like we’re all getting the worst of both.


Perhaps, but it seems unlikely to get these state level bills outside of GOP trifectas, so at least like half the country will be saved from them and an even bigger percentage of the population. 25 percent of the country is in California, New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois alone.

The key to me continues to be that the GOP only wanted the CARES extended through mid-November because it boosts their electoral odds. So to me, the scenarios are:

Best: Pass an extension at previous levels through January, and retroactive to the expiration of CARES.

Worst: Pass an extension that expires in mid-November, boosting GOP electoral chances while virtually guaranteeing no extension at all after mid-November.

It appears we will not get the best case scenario, but it also appears we will not get the worst case scenario. So we’re not getting the worst of both. They may get state-level liability shields, but the most important thing now is getting the most help to the most people for the longest amount of time to minimize suffering/death.

That can only be done by winning in November and ensuring Democratic policy in place in 2021 and 2022. Otherwise no help is coming in those years. To decrease our electoral chances for a 3 to 3.5 month extension would have been very short-sighted.

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DeWine was doing a solid job handling the corona crisis until MAGA cultists started showing up at his health director’s house with assault rifles.


And now he can’t even get anyone to fill the role because of it.