COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

It’s possible we have some distortion from Labor Day but last Monday we did 25xxx/286. This Monday we did 37xxx/454. Could be noise or maybe not, who knows.

Son’s school has let us know we are OFS starting mid-Octobe to which we promptly replied “lol,no” Online only for the year is an option we are taking… even though they havent outlined how teaching is going to actually work with an AM/PM split schedule AND online instruction for those who choose home based instruction. What a clusterfuck. What’s the point of sending kids back to school for three hours a day? The online schooling is actually working and this still fucks people’s schedules so WHY ARE WE DOING IT? Motherfuck.

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Our Board of Education met tonight. Even though hybrid school (half of the in-person population in school at a time) hasn’t even started yet, the Board made a resolution to vote on a 100% return some time in October. They’ve already fucking decided that we need to be 100% open for business before getting even a single week’s experience with 50%.

So the choice for my high schooler will be:
in-person: attend classes 4 days a week in person (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
remote: have live instruction only on Wednesday (from the same teacher doing the in-person instruction the other days)

great fucking choice.


Still hope Trump gets Rona and dies. You with me on that at least?


so our school district which is 100% remote for now is using an elementary building with a private contractor to set up daycare with remote learning stations for $300/week per kid. Granted it’s a rich school district but if the point is to not be in a room together it seems pretty stupid, might as just well have in class instruction.

Of course parents are phone and letter bombing the board over this.

It makes no sense. So not only is your kid not in school but if you have to be out of the house or you cant supervise them at home due to your own work commitments the school is happy to give your kid a shitty education in a non quarantine environment and collect 300 bones from you. Yikes.

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The City of Henderson, NV has fined Trump rally holder Xtreme Manufacturing $00,003,000 for COVID-19 violations.

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Shame the Trump Foundation had to be shuttered and can’t pay it for them.


I just read an interesting article.

In a one-week survey conducted every year around this time at hospitals throughout Japan:

Last year there were over 3,800 flu cases in Japan during the survey period.

This year, there are three.

The conclusion, at least to me, is obvious.


Masks are Tyranny!


People talk about Florida, and sure we have a ton of crazy, but there’s at least some redeeming stuff here like beaches. Ohio just sounds like an absolute shithole filled with the worst people. What redeeming qualities does the state have?


I said wish death and harm on real people, not Trump.

Had a covid patient today, reset the counter. Sorry guys I fucking jinxed it.

Cedar Point

Nothing else.


Not as good as Action Park.


Omg we just learned about Action this year. Probably a strong reason why laws were changed to favor lawsuits. Google it, it’s worth many lolz.


We should definitely hire her at my company to get the fucking VPs sorted out on Zoom.


Cedar Pointe


Weird that the US and Brazil look correlated.

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